Why Early Age Dental Visits is the Way To Go

Trips to the dentist may not be as appealing for kids as for adults which is why early age dental visits is the way to go.

No matter how dreadful the thought may be, adults understand the need for regular dentist check-ups.

boy holding teeth - why early age dental visits are the way to go

Image source: Unsplash.com

Kids, on the other hand, don’t like to be in a strange place and they also dislike being with people they’re unfamiliar with, let alone people fiddling with their teeth.

Add to this list the fear of sharp objects like needles as well as weird drilling noises, and you can understand why kids detest trips to the dentist.

As parents, you need to address this fear as early as possible.

One of the best ways to do this is to educate your children about the advantages of early-age dental visits.

Getting Familiar

Experts recommend that the best time to bring your kids to the dentist is when they’re between the ages of one and six months old, or immediately after their first tooth appears.

The good news is your very first dentist trip wouldn’t take long, approximately 30 to 45 minutes.

During this time, the dentist will only perform a full dental checkup and, if needed, mild dental cleaning.

This allows your child to warm up to their tooth doctor.

Your dentist has to build rapport with their young patient to lessen the latter’s anxiety and make them comfortable after the subsequent clinic trips.

At this time, most dentists will ask parents to accompany their children and to sit next to the dental chair.

This strategy aims to set children at ease while in the dental chair.

When the kids see their mommies or daddies beside them, they’ll feel secure.

This step will also encourage your child to trust the stranger in the room, too.

If you still haven’t visited your child’s dentist, schedule an online dental booking now.

Whether you’re looking for a Winnipeg teeth whitening clinic or one that can take care of your child’s dental health, get your kids used to the dentist as early as possible.

You don’t want to deprive anyone of sweet delicacies, what with Winnipeg being known for the world’s best desserts.

In this case, a reliable kid’s dentist is the perfect choice to take care of everyone’s ‘sweet tooth.’

Child-Friendly Approach

If you search online for dental clinics, you will notice that there are dentists specializing in pediatric dentistry.

How different are they from regular dentists?

You see, pediatric dentists spend two more years of specialty training.

During this time, they study everything needed to properly handle the dental needs of children, which can include their physical development and growth, and their behaviour.

Though both kinds of dentists can take care of your child’s oral care needs, a pediatric dentist will try to make their clinic as comfortable as possible for their target clientele.

This can include redecorating the clinic to make it pleasant for kids and to hire staff who are kind to children.

Since such professionals understand that kids can easily get distracted by the things around them, the clinic can look like a playground so as to distract the child.

Develop A Habit

A child’s mind is like a “tabula rasa”, which is essentially an empty slate.

Like an empty sheet of paper, it gets filled up as the child experiences more things in life.

When parents expose them to violence at an early age, there is a high chance they get more accustomed to violence later on.

On the other hand, if parents teach kids good things, such as good dental habits, they can quickly adapt to such ways.

As a result, they will carry these practices as they grow up.

In the same vein, visiting their dentists early on can make them appreciate and value the routine later in life.

Also, they will quickly get rid of their fear of dental visits as they become adults.

The Takeaway

As they say, it takes a village to raise a child.

This is true in all aspects of a child’s growth and well-being.

Aside from parents, grandparents, aunts, and uncles, non-family members like doctors, and dentists, as well as other members of society, must protect the child’s overall well-being.

In the case of their dentists, while the parents start the habit of regularly taking their kids on dental trips, dentists also do their part by providing unparalleled dental service.

This will help a child see that dental visits shouldn’t be feared but should be something they can be comfortable doing which is why early age dental visits are the way to go.

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