7 Ways Pregnancy Changes Your Skin (And Remedies to Counteract Them!)

Pregnancy is a beautiful journey with your growing baby. But it can also bring about many changes to your skin, not all of them welcome.

Learning about these changes and possible remedies can help you manage any skin-related pregnancy challenges that come your way, so let’s look at the main offenders and solutions.

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Unpredictable Hormonal Acne Outbreaks

Your skin may experience abrupt hormonal acne outbreaks during pregnancy. This is caused by the surge of hormones which increases oil production in your skin, leading to blockages and inflammation.

Don’t despair though! Implementing a balanced skin care regimen can help manage these flare-ups. You can even use supplements to get the most efficient Omega-3 from algae, known for its anti-inflammatory benefits, to keep any unwelcome guest zits at bay.

Skin Hyperpigmentation Troubles

Skin hyperpigmentation is quite common in pregnancy due to an increase in melanin production. It can lead to darkened patches on your face, a condition often deemed “the mask of pregnancy”.

But fear not, as most of the time this change evens out post-pregnancy. Incorporating sun protection into your routine and using skin-lightening creams with safe ingredients like vitamin C or azelaic acid under the supervision of a dermatologist can help manage these pigmented areas until they heal naturally.

The Itchy Belly Phenomenon

You might be experiencing an itchy belly as your pregnancy progresses. This condition is caused due to skin stretching over the growing baby and can intensify in the last trimester.

To ease this irritation, avoid hot showers that dry out your skin further, and opt for lukewarm ones instead.

Another basic remedy is keeping your abdomen moisturized with a gentle lotion or oil specially formulated for pregnant women to help soothe this uncomfortable tightness.

The Arrival of Spider Veins

Spider veins, which are those tiny red or purple squiggles under the skin, can be another unwanted guest during pregnancy. They arise due to increased blood volume and hormonal fluctuations when you’re expecting.

While they usually fade post-pregnancy, wearing compression stockings and elevating your legs can help alleviate discomfort in the meantime. Also, regular physical activity promotes better circulation, reducing their appearance.

Dealing with Stretch Marks

Stretch marks are one of the most common skin changes during pregnancy as your body expands to accommodate your growing baby. These pink, reddish, or purplish streaks might appear on your belly, breasts, thighs, and hips.

They tend to fade over time, but massaging them gently with hydrating creams comprising ingredients like shea butter and vitamin E can help soothe their appearance during this period.

Unexpected Dry Skin Flares

During pregnancy, you might notice your skin becoming dry or flaky. This can be caused by hormonal shifts that drain moisture from your skin.

To combat this, increase hydration by drinking plenty of water and using a gentle, fragrance-free moisturizer designed for sensitive skin.

Also include omega fatty acid-rich foods in your diet to nourish the skin from within, or make use of the aforementioned supplements to achieve this conveniently.

Varicose Vein Developments

Pregnancy can often lead to the development of varicose veins due to increased blood volume and pressure on the veins from the expanding uterus. They generally appear on legs as blue, bulging, twisted cords that might be painful or itchy.

Regular movement, leg elevation, wearing support stockings, and avoiding long periods of standing can help manage this condition during pregnancy. The good news is that varicose veins induced by pregnancy usually improve within 3 months after delivery, so don’t get too stressed if they appear.

Final Thoughts

Every pregnant person is unique, so if you’re experiencing any of the skin issues we’ve discussed, don’t hesitate to contact a healthcare professional for tailored advice.

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