5 Things for Pregnant People to Know About Nutrition

For any person, it’s always important to have a well-balanced diet – yet if you’re pregnant, it’s even more important since what you eat will be yours and your baby’s main source of nutrients so learn these 5 things for pregnant people to know about nutrition.

However, many pregnant women don’t get enough nutrition in their diet on a daily basis.

Therefore, you must increase your food amount intake to receive sufficient nutrients.

You can meet your increased needs most of the time through a healthy diet.

This should include plenty of proteins, fruits, vegetables and whole grains.

Additionally, it would help if you tried to fulfill your diet with various foods from all the basic food groups.

Once you do, you’re likely to get the nutrients you need to maintain a healthy pregnancy.

Here’s what you should know about nutrition when you’re pregnant.

image of pregnant woman standing and seeing the late term silhouette of the baby bulge - 5 Things for Pregnant People to Know About Nutrition

Photo by Mustafa Omar on Unsplash

Gaining Weight During Pregnancy

When you eat well, you’ll reasonably gain anywhere between 25 and 35 pounds during your pregnancy.

Therefore a healthy pregnancy consists of a nutrient-rich diet with the proper calorie intake.

For instance, you need to consume 1,800 calories each day in your first trimester.

Of course, your patterns of weight gain throughout pregnancy may vary.

If you’re heavier, it’s normal to gain less weight or more if you are underweight or having multiple babies.

While you’re pregnant, what you consume will be your infant’s main source of nourishment.

In fact, it plays a stronger role in your baby’s health than once thought.

That’s why doctors now push for no alcohol consumption and want you to eat a certain amount of food each day to gain a healthy weight.

You Need Certain Nutrients for Different Developments

Without certain nutrients, this increases your risk of depression up until one year postpartum.

Therefore, you need certain nutrients that consist of a healthy diet, including:

  • Protein: For cell growth and blood production.
  • Carbohydrates: For daily energy production.
  • Calcium: For strong bones, muscles, teeth, contraction and nerve function.
  • Iron: For red blood cell production.
  • Vitamins A, C, B6, B12, D: These vitamins are pertinent, from healthy eyesight and growing bones to red blood cell formation and maintaining nervous system health.
  • Folic Acid: For blood and protein production and effective enzyme function.
  • Fat: For body energy storage.

Your Diet Impacts Your Health

Diet can affect your baby’s health, even before becoming pregnant.

For instance, folic acid can prevent neural tube defects during the earlier stages of fetal development.

That’s why it’s important to get a substantial amount of it before becoming pregnant and during the earlier weeks of pregnancy.

Your gynecologist may encourage you to take a folic acid supplement throughout your pregnancy, especially during the first month of it.

However, you may also ask your doctor about taking folic acid if you consider becoming pregnant.

Calcium is also a vital nutrient as it meets the developing baby’s needs for more of it.

However, it would help to increase your calcium intake to prevent its loss from your bones.

Milk and other dairy products are your top food sources, but you may want to ask your doctor about a supplement.

Other foods to include in your diet to help you get your all-around nutrients will consist:

  • Dark, green leafy vegetables
  • Beans
  • Nuts
  • Whole-grain bread and cereals
  • Meat
  • Fish
  • Fruits and fortified fruit juices
  • Sweet potatoes
  • Peanut butter
  • Margarine
  • Vegetable oils

To ensure you’re receiving adequate nutrition, you may consult with a certified dietitian to help you plan your meals.

Craving Foods During Pregnancy

You’ve probably known someone else who craved specific food during their pregnancy.

Or, perhaps you’ve experienced this yourself.

It’s still unclear why pregnant women have these urges.

However, it may be caused by certain nutritional deficiencies, hormones and a heightened sensitivity to smell and taste.

Some women may crave chocolate, fruit, spicy foods and comfort foods, like mashed potatoes or ice cream.

On the other hand, some women may crave non-food items, such as ice or cornstarch.

These non-food cravings are known as pica and can be dangerous to consume during pregnancy.

So if you have these urges, it’s important to notify your doctor.

Following food cravings are fine as long as it contributes to a healthy diet.

Meanwhile, your cravings should subside after the first trimester of pregnancy.

Avoid Certain Foods and Drinks While Pregnant

As mentioned earlier, doctors do not recommend consuming alcohol during pregnancy.

It’s also critical to check with your doctor about consuming certain vitamins and herbal supplements.

With these in mind, they can be harmful to a developing fetus.

While many doctors feel it’s fine to consume one to two cups of caffeinated products per day, it’s safer to avoid caffeine altogether if possible.

High caffeine consumption may increase your risk of miscarriage and other related pregnancy problems.

You may consider switching to decaffeinated drinks or limiting your intake.

While pregnant, it’s also important to avoid foods that have a food-borne illness, such as toxoplasmosis or listeriosis.

These can be life-threatening to your unborn baby and may cause a miscarriage or congenital disabilities.

Foods you should steer away from include:

  • Soft, unpasteurized cheeses
  • Unpasteurized juice, milk or apple cider
  • Foods that contain raw eggs.
  • Raw or undercooked meat, fish and shellfish
  • Processed meats, such as deli meats or hot dogs.
  • Fish that are high in mercury.

While certain fish can contain high levels of mercury, other fish can be a great source of omega-3 fatty acids, protein and other nutrients.

What about shellfish? Can you eat lobster while pregnant? Yes, lobster is a safe and nutritious choice during pregnancy due to its low mercury content and high nutrient profile.

Just be sure you’re aware of which fishes contain higher mercury.

Maintaining a Healthy Pregnancy needs these 5 things for Pregnant people to know about Nutrition

Your diet can have a huge impact on the outcome of your pregnancy.

To ensure you maintain a healthy pregnancy, follow these 5 things for pregnant people to know about nutrition.

That way, you and your baby can remain happy and healthy — and you ensure you’re in good spirits.



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