Online Learning Kids will Actually Enjoy

Online or e-learning taps into the natural ability of children to learn with a 21st century twist – check out these examples of Online Learning Kids will Actually Enjoy.

The remote approach to learning has become more common in recent years, in part because of the pandemic, so it’s something kids are increasingly familiar and comfortable with today.

Online-based learning is also a way for kids to learn at a pace that’s comfortable and right for them, and it provides structure.

One study suggests kids actually learn more with an at-your-own-pace approach to learning with e-learning than what’s typical with traditional classroom learning.

However, online learning is only going to be beneficial for your kids if it’s also enjoyable and engaging.

Luckily, there are some ways for both teachers and parents involved with online learning to accomplish this goal.

image of child online with a teacher - Online Learning Kids Will Actually Enjoy
Use a Preferred Learning Style

Granted, kids don’t always have a choice with how they learn online.

But when it’s possible to do so, steer kids towards a learning style that works best for them.

Common online learning styles include visual, auditory, and hands-on learning.

Online learning can be a combination of several learning styles, but emphasize the one that seems to work best.

Kids can also share their own learning style preferences if asked in an understandable way.

You might, for instance, ask your child or ones you’re teaching what they like and dislike about classroom learning online.

Make the Experience Like ‘Play Time’

The way kids learn has changed over the years, but one thing remains constant with children – they love to play and have fun.

Use this natural tendency to love fun things to your advantage to encourage more interest and engagement with online learning.

Otherwise, kids will end up bored and not too attentive with e-learning, which isn’t productive or beneficial.

Add some fun into the online experience for your kids by:

• Incorporating music into e-learning lessons when it’s possible to do so
• Using fun, colorful images to illustrate key points
• Peppering lessons with interactive animations and/or activities

image of child playing with toy blocks -  Online Learning Kids Will Actually Enjoy

Use Kid-Friendly Videos

Whether you’re a teacher who regularly conducts online sessions with kids or a parent, it’s no secret kids respond well to video content just as much as grown-ups do.

Use this fact to your advantage as well by putting together short, easily digestible videos kids can access and view as needed or desired.

High speed internet is also recommended for streaming educational videos online.

Keep Navigation Simple

Kids are more likely to enjoy online learning if they can handle navigation themselves without too much help.

Kid-friendly navigation can include things like clearly labeled arrows, images, and on-screen prompts from mobile, tablets and iPad.

Bright, vibrant colors are also appealing to kids with navigation features.

Fast wireless internet can help more on enjoying the navigation on their devices as they will not experience no lag while the kids are on it.

Break Longer Lessons Down into Smaller Ones

Some online learning activities and tasks are fairly simple, but others are more involved.

Keep things more enjoyable with larger or longer lessons by breaking them down into smaller lessons.

The average attention span for children is roughly 2-3 minutes per year of age, so keep this in mind with lesson length.

image of mother teaching 2 young children on a tablet - Online Learning Kids Will Actually Enjoy

Mix Things Up with the Difficulty Level

Online learning will be a more rewarding and enjoyable experience if there’s an appropriate mix with the difficulty level of the various tasks and lessons.

In other words, make some things fairly easy and others more challenging and mentally stimulating.

What this does is minimize frustration and boredom.

Finally, with Online Learning Kids will Actually Enjoy there are clear goals they can realistically achieve.

Explain each goal so there’s clear comprehension of what they’re working towards or trying to achieve.

Also, let kids know when they’ve achieved a goal so they can get a boost of self-confidence before moving onto the next task.

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