Bilingual Brilliance: Nurturing Multilingual Minds in the Next Generation


Bilingual Brilliance: Nurturing Multilingual Minds in the Next Generation

Image by Gordon Johnson from Pixabay

In the past, being multilingual was once a skill that many did not have and would strive to obtain. They would do as much as they could to learn the languages that they wanted to speak, as they knew that it could be potentially beneficial to them later in life.

With society being more connected and integrated, multilingualism is quite common. Families can often be made up of people from different backgrounds and cultures, which can then create a scenario in which multiple languages are being spoken.

While children may learn the native language of where they live first, they may also start to pick up their parents’ dialects. For instance, a Chinese-Spanish child living in England may grow up learning English as their native language. Still, they may begin mastering Mandarin and Spanish through online courses in order to connect with their parent’s families better and perhaps form an identity for themselves.

Of course, while there are many more growing up to be multilingual, there are still many advantages that are being obtained. Many are having a positive impact on the lives of the next generation, but in order to reach and attain them, there needs to be a certain level of nurturing that takes place.

Just because individuals may be able to speak certain languages and be bilingual does not mean they are in the best position to be able to benefit. They need to understand how they can use it to their advantage, while they also need to ensure they continue to practice the dialects and learn how to master them to achieve Bilingual Brilliance.

The advantages of bilingualism

Naturally, there are numerous advantages that can be obtained when being bilingual. The most obvious is in regard to being able to communicate with people of other countries or cultural backgrounds, whether it be for business or pleasure. The ability to convey messages in the right and correct manner becomes easy to do, with less room for errors of misunderstanding or confusion to be experienced.

However, aside from being able to communicate effectively with one another, individuals who are able to be multilingual will also benefit from self-personal development. The requirement of learning a new dialect requires a lot of cognitive intellect, with the brain being required to work overtime. This can have a knock-on effect, as it can help to improve mental agility and memory retrieval and enhance skills like concentration, decision-making, and problem-solving. It can also help individuals to connect with others on an emotional level, as they are likely to have a greater understanding.

Encouraging bilingualism in children

Given the benefits that can be obtained when learning a new language and once it is fluently spoken, it is hardly a surprise that many parents encourage their children to try and speak as many languages as possible.

Children are able to retain knowledge better than adults due to the way their brains are wired at their age. Language learning can become very difficult as we get older, thus making our childhoods the best time to try and master them.

There are numerous ways in which language learning can be obtained with children, with some perhaps easier than more traditional methods. Children can be put in front of a foreign TV show or film and potentially learn the vocabulary used, whether in normal conversation or as part of a song. Even text on the screen can help them pick up and retain the words being taught. 

They can learn through the use of technology, too. Smartphones and tablets have become the norm, with children having access to these devices from a very young age. Tablets can often be found in schools, and with dedicated language learning apps now available, it is possible for students to learn whenever it is convenient or for teachers to hold lessons that revolve around them. Tech has also allowed children to connect with private tutors or classes to receive talks from a teacher in another country, thus allowing them to receive first-hand experience of the language, how it should sound, and its benefits.

Schools have also become a great way to encourage children to become multilingual because they often have a diverse range of teachers. It is generally quite common to have teachers employed who are able to speak multiple languages. 

Will the next generation be more multilingual than previous generations?

It would not be a surprise if we were to see multilingual children become more common than they already are today. It is easy to spot the differences between generations already, with the importance of speaking multiple languages and the advantages they bring having been stressed in recent decades, especially with globalization being experienced and people communicating without borders.

However, to ensure that happens, the current generation has a responsibility to ensure they nurture those of the next generation correctly. With an understanding and appreciation of the benefits that can be obtained and the improvements in technology continuing to be experienced, the children of tomorrow should be in a good position.

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