10 Games That Will Help Your Child Overcome Learning Problems

Does your child have problems concentrating during lessons, making learning hard? Introduce these 10 Games That Will Help Your Child Overcome Learning Problems.

10 Games That Will Help Your Child Overcome Learning Problems

School is not the only place for your child to learn; you should also teach your kids at home.

You can introduce fun games to help your children develop their thinking, concentration, creativity, and focus.

The best part is that it doesn’t feel like learning as the kids can play, which keeps them excited and curious to learn new things.

Play is encouraged for preschool children.

If you want to introduce games to help your kid overcome learning issues, you must ensure the games are enjoyable, voluntary, require active engagement, and have no set goals.

10 Games to Help Your Child Overcome Learning Problem

Games can help your child develop a love for learning. Mix the games to include toys, tablets, and indoor and outdoor games.

Play these games with your child, and after a few weeks, you will notice a tremendous difference in their learning abilities.

Happy shapes

This is a game made of different shapes.

It helps children identify different forms from circle, square, rectangle, triangle, oval, and star.

And it’s a great way to teach children about shapes and colors.

We Mix Colors

This is an excellent game for children between 4 and 6.

Kids love playing around with colors, and this game will help your children learn how to mix two colors to get secondary colors.

It’s a great game to teach your child about concentration, as they must be attentive to avoid spillages.

And it also teaches endurance as they learn and discover new colors.

Word search puzzle

Word search puzzles are great for older kids from 6 years.

The best part about this game is you can have your child play it on your phone or tablet.

As you want to minimize your child’s screen time, it would be best to get word search printables, where you print the games on paper and work on it together.

This is an excellent game for brain testing as it trains your mind to focus and join letters to get hidden words, whether vertically, horizontally, or diagonally.

They also help develop your child’s vocabulary.

Fruit Math

This game is ideal for children between the ages of 6 and 8.

It helps them develop mathematical problem-solving skills.

The game also helps them calculate and enhances their confidence and it also stimulates curiosity.

Memory game

This game involves many cards with pictures.

The cards are placed on the table facing down, and each kid is supposed to choose two cards.

If the cards match, you win and pick them and if they don’t match, you place them back on the table facing down.

You continue to play till all the cards are matched.

This is the same as Mahjong which you can play on a computer.

Alternatively, you can download the game and print the pictures.

Recognize Your Emotions

Please help your child learn about different emotions displayed by people.

A great exercise is to train your child by cutting and pasting different emojis or emoticons.

Do this by expressing various emotions on your face and asking them to choose the right one from the emoticons.

This is an excellent game for children between 4 and 6.

Take this further and teach them when each emotion is displayed, start with the basic facial expressions, such as happy, sad, smiley, shocked, and disappointed.

Would you rather be (give them two options to choose one)

This will help your child develop their critical thinking.

You can play a game of, would you rather with your child.

For instance, ask your child, would you rather be a pilot or a doctor?

Your child is supposed to choose one. Let’s say they prefer a pilot, ask your child to explain why they chose the pilot.

Happy Wheel

This interactive game is suitable for children between 4 and 6.

This game helps your child practice endurance and learn different colors, shapes, and sizes.

Then you can build the game together by taking several manilla pieces of paper and cutting them into different sizes and shapes.

And take a box and create a round shape with a hole in the middle.

Then, partition it, take your cut-out shapes, and stick them on the box.

Finally, take turns playing and let each shape have a score, and the one with the highest wins.

Alternatively, you can download and play the game on the phone or tablet.

What’s for dinner

This is an excellent game for teaching your children different food items.

You can ask your child to go into the kitchen and choose what item they want to be cooked for supper.

Ask them to choose something that can be made into a meal, not a spice.

After choosing, ask them what they want you to make with the item they’ve selected.

For instance, you can make fries, wedges, or potato soup if they choose potatoes.

Plant a garden

Having a hands-on kid is good, so you should let your child tag along as you plant vegetables in your backyard.

This will help you teach your child about different vegetable types, such as kale, spinach, lettuce, and tomatoes.

And it will excite your child when they are ready for harvesting and cooking.

It’s also a great way to teach your child about nutrition.

Final Thoughts

Learning can also happen at home through play.

If your child is having problems learning or remembering what they learn in school, you can help develop their brain memory and enhance focus through fun games.

Theses 10 Games That Will Help Your Child Overcome Learning Problems and provide some fun for the whole family.

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