How Technology is Shaping Education: A Look into the Future

In recent years, the technology revolution has boomed, bringing dramatic change to all areas of society including how technology is shaping education.

A key area where technology is shaping the future is education.

The main technological additions to education are the introduction of smartboards, laptops, tablets, and even smartphones into the classroom.

This opens up opportunities for more collaborative and inclusive learning.

boy watching female teacher teach a class on his computer screem - How Technology is Shaping Education

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How is technology shaping the education system?

Technology in the education sector is shaping the future through the introduction of new teaching methods and wider resources that benefit both teachers and students.

Technology makes learning far more accessible – which is especially useful during uncertain times, like those experienced in 2020 during the global pandemic – and can ensure that education can continue even during the toughest of circumstances.

There is also a range of software available that can help educational resources become more accessible to those learning remotely, those with learning difficulties, people with disadvantages, or individuals with disabilities.

These pieces of software include services such as text-to speak and transcription.

How is technology shaping the education system for teachers and students?

What are the key benefits of technology in education for teachers?

When discussing the question ‘how is technology shaping the education system’, the benefits to teachers are many.

For example, there is software available that helps teachers to plan their lessons, store the lessons in shared online spaces, and communicate with other teachers about their plans and collaborate.

This helps them to stay organized, and potentially improve their lesson plans through sharing resources with other educational professionals, overall giving their students a better learning experience.

A large amount of the population is taught best through visual learning – technology can also assist teachers in catering to this trend.

Technology allows teachers to make eye-catching, vibrant, and engaging content that is more likely to hold the attention of their students.

Simple software such as PowerPoint – when utilized to its full extent – can be perfect for this, and more complex software is also available for the creation of video and audio.

Additionally, using an online drawing tool provides educators with a powerful resource for creating visually compelling materials, allowing them to add hand-drawn elements to their presentations and teaching materials.

Teachers can create media such as podcasts that students can download and listen to outside of the classroom to reaffirm what they have learned, or to revise content for tests and examinations.

This all improves the quality of education that teachers can provide for their students.

What are the key benefits of technology in education for students?

Students receive many advantages from the introduction of technology into the education system.

One clear benefit is that they have improved communication between them and their teachers – they can contact them via email or a forum to gain advice much faster than they would having to wait to see a teacher in person.

This can help to positively develop the relationship students have with their teachers.

Communication is particularly important during exam seasons – for example, students in sixth form education will need to utilise communication to the best of their ability to discuss topics of concern prior to examinations and assessments.

Technology is also incredibly important in strengthening collaboration between students.

With the use of software that allows multiple people to edit the same document, group projects are much easier to complete, and you can track who is contributing to a project at any one time.

Video calling also helps to make collaboration easier, as it is not required for all of the participants to meet in person.

This means collaboration is also possible over broader distances – for example, students can work alongside individuals from other schools across the world.

It widens the horizon for students, providing them with exciting new opportunities.

The introduction and embracing of technology in education also allows for blended learning – where technology and traditional teaching methods are used to complement each other and provide a better learning experience.

Using creative educational PPT presentations will make your teaching method easier and can keep you engaged with your students.

Thanks to technology, students have access to a wide range of educational resources external to their schools.

Teachers can direct students to these resources so they can experience new and different educational methods.

How does this improve the education system overall?

The answer to the question “how is technology shaping the education system” is as follows: Technology is enriching the experiences of students, offering them a wide range of resources and learning methods.

This improvement in the quality of education helps to engage students more, resulting in better attendance and grades in schools, with more motivated pupils.

Using technology to create more visual learning helps teachers to modify their teaching style to become more suited to how students have been proven to learn best.

There are also more avenues open for communication between teachers and their students, making it easier to arrange to speak to students and assist them in their studies.

This makes the education system overall more effective in its teaching methods and introduces new ideas for learning that engage students to a greater extent.

girl watching here teacher on here computer - How Technology is Shaping Education

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The use of technology in education is also creating a more inclusive learning environment.

This is not only due to the improved communication and collaboration between students, but also because of the available software that technology provides to assist those with specific requirements.

If a student is dyslexic and struggles to read, they can have software downloaded that reads texts to them so they can listen instead.

If a student struggles with concentration and often misses certain parts of classes or lectures, they can have a transcription software downloaded to record and write down the class so they can return to the content they missed at a later time.

Any steps towards inclusivity in education should be highly celebrated, and therefore we should celebrate the increased presence of technology in the education system.

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