Why Sleep is Important for New Parents and How to Get More of It

Your newborn baby needs you to be in the right frame of mind now more than ever which is Why Sleep is Important for New Parents and How to Get More of It.

Unfortunately, lack of enough sleep can negatively impact your physical and mental wellbeing.

Sleep-deprived mothers are at a higher risk of getting postpartum depression.

Sleep-deprived mothers are also likely to put their children at risk as sleepiness leads to poor concentration, slips, and falls.

Staying healthy with a newborn ranges from initial recovery, often aided with postpartum girdles, to sleeping and eating healthy. 

If you’re finding it difficult to sleep as a new parent, we are here to tell you there is hope for you and your baby.

A little creativity can help you get as much sleep as you need, even when dealing with a fussing baby.

For instance, using a Mela weighted blanket is an effective way to help new moms relax and get a good night’s sleep.

Other relaxing strategies such as doing yoga or meditation before bedtime have also been shown to help curb insomnia among new parents.

So, before we get carried away, let’s find out why sleep is essential for new parents.

image of mother and newborn - Why Sleep is Important for New Parents and How to Get More of It

Why Sleep Is Important for New Parents

A good night’s rest is crucial for your physical and mental wellbeing, as explained below.

Poor Sleep Affects Cognitive Functioning

The lack of enough sleep is often associated with impaired concentration, attention, judgment, and problem-solving.

Poor sleep also makes it difficult to perform tasks requiring high cognitive performance.

This can mean more difficulties changing diapers, soothing a cranky infant, or completing house chores for a new parent.

Mood and Other Mental Health Issues

Research shows that sleep-deprived people are more irritable and sad.

Besides, lack of sleep causes mood disorders such as anxiety and stress.

For new moms, this also means that they are at a higher risk of suffering from postpartum depression.

Compromised Immune System

Lack of sleep negatively affects your immune system, making it more likely for you to get sick.

For instance, parents who don’t get enough sleep are more likely to suffer from the common cold virus.

During sleep, your body releases cytokines, which are proteins that promote sleep and help get rid of infections.

When you don’t get quality sleep, your body may find it hard to produce these proteins, making your body more prone to infections.

The lack of sleep also makes it difficult to recover after you get sick.

Sleep deprivation further increases your risk of getting diseases such as:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • Heart disease
  • Obesity

How Can New Parents Get More Sleep

While almost all new parents suffer from sleep deprivation at one time during the first year of their baby’s life, it doesn’t mean there is nothing that can be done to improve the quality and quantity of your sleep.

Here are tips that can help:

Keep your baby’s coat in your bedroom –You don’t have to sleep with your baby in the same bed, but keeping her coat close can help you sleep better.

With your infant close to you, you won’t need to leave your room to care for her at night.

This will help both of you fall back asleep easily.

Make the bedroom more relaxing – Keeping your bedroom dark and quiet can help you and your baby fall asleep quickly.

Also, employ a relaxing bedtime routine such as having a warm shower or yoga before sleep.

Using a weighted blanket is another effective way of relaxing your body for better sleep.

Additionally, limit yourself from using your phone or watching TV as this makes it harder for you to fall asleep

Sleep when your baby is sleeping – Your baby’s daytime naps are a great opportunity for you to catch some shut-eye too.

Resist the urge to get things done when your baby is napping and choose to get some sleep instead.

Ask for help – Don’t wait until you’re feeling overwhelmed to seek help.

Accept help from friends, your spouse, and your family.

Also, learn to say no to extra responsibilities.

Sleep is an essential requirement for you and your baby, so choose to prioritize it.

It’s impossible to take good care of your baby when you’re sleep-deprived.

Poor quality sleep negatively impacts your cognitive functioning, makes you cranky, and compromises your immunity.

Hopefully, you now know what to do to improve the quality of your sleep.

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