What Should You Do And What You Shouldn’t Do After A Truck Accident?

Have you recently been in a truck accident?

If so, it can be an incredibly confusing and stressful time.

You may feel overwhelmed with the tasks that need to be taken care of to ensure that your rights are protected.

Knowing what steps to take after being involved in a truck accident can make all the difference when it comes to getting the compensation and justice you deserve.

To help, here’s a list of six things you should and shouldn’t do following a truck accident.

image of truck and trailer lying on it's side by a highway ramp - What Should You Do And What You Shouldn't Do After A Truck Accident?

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(Not) Seeking Medical Attention

Do: Seeking medical attention is always important, even if you don’t feel injured. The adrenaline rush following an accident can mask any potential injuries that may not appear until hours or days later. It’s important to visit a hospital right away and document any pain, discomfort, and subsequent medical treatments to get the compensation you deserve.

Don’t: Don’t agree to any medical treatment from the responsible party before consulting a doctor. The responsible party may try to offer medical care to limit their liability, but you must make sure it is an appropriate form of treatment for your injuries.

Are You Having Legal Support?

Do: It’s important to hire legal counsel after a truck accident to protect your rights and ensure that you get the compensation you deserve. An experienced lawyer can help guide you through the insurance claims process, avoid these mistakes after a truck accident, and protect your rights. They will also be able to advise you of your rights and legal options.

Don’t: Don’t sign any documents or agree to a settlement without consulting with a lawyer first. The insurance company may try to get you to settle quickly and for less than what you deserve, but it is important to consult a lawyer before agreeing. Additionally, don’t make any statements to the insurance company until you have spoken with your lawyer.

Collecting Evidence

Do: It is important to collect as much evidence from the accident scene as possible. Take photos of the vehicles involved in the accident, speak to any witnesses at the scene, and make sure to document any conversations you have with the responsible party and their insurance company. This evidence will help to build your case and prove who is at fault for the accident.

Don’t: Don’t move your vehicle from the accident scene before the police arrive unless it is a safety concern. Moving your car before the police arrive can make it more difficult to prove liability and can weaken your case.

Notifying Your Insurance Company

Do: Make sure to inform your insurance company of the accident as soon as possible because you will ensure that you have coverage for any medical expenses and property damage resulting from the accident. In some cases, it can also help to speed up the claims process so that you can get the compensation you deserve more quickly.

Don’t: Don’t accept any agreement from the other party’s insurance company without consulting your lawyer first. The responsible party’s insurance company may try to get you to sign off on an agreement that does not favor you.

Recovery After A Truck Accident

Do: Take the time to focus on your physical and emotional recovery. Accidents can be traumatic, and it is important to take care of yourself both physically and mentally. Make sure to follow your doctor’s instructions, attend all medical appointments, and practice self-care such as eating healthy meals, getting enough sleep, exercising regularly, and engaging in activities you enjoy.

Don’t: Don’t return to work too soon. Make sure that you get the medical attention you need and wait until your doctor says it is safe for you to return to light or full-time duties before returning. Coming back to work too soon can cause further injuries and worsen your situation.

Documenting Everything

Do: Finally, document all your expenses related to the accident. This includes medical bills, lost wages, vehicle repairs, and any other costs associated with the accident. Doing this will help you get a clearer picture of how much compensation you are owed by the responsible party’s insurance company.

Don’t: Don’t forget to track any non-economic damages such as pain and suffering, mental anguish, and emotional distress. These should be accounted for in your settlement agreement with the responsible party’s insurance company.

image of 2 men shaking hands - What Should You Do And What You Shouldn't Do After A Truck Accident?

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Therefore, following the dos and don’ts outlined above will ensure that you are properly compensated for any damages or losses incurred from the accident.

It is also essential to seek legal counsel so that you have someone advocating on your behalf throughout this process.

By taking all of these steps into consideration, you will get through a truck accident successfully and put yourself back on track toward recovery as quickly as possible.

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