What are the Benefits of Using Non-Toxic Diapers?

Diapers are going to be your baby’s best friend, so it’s best to pick one that is safe to use.

I’ll discuss the benefits of using non-toxic diapers and why they are the safest diapers around.

image of baby having diaper changed - Benefits of Using Non-Toxic Diapers

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What makes a diaper non-toxic

The first question to tackle is what makes a diaper non-toxic. There are many diapers out there in the market, all made from different materials.

Surely, there is a way to identify what is branded as safe and what isn’t.

It all boils down to the materials involved in making them.

So all that’s left is to know what ingredients to seek and avoid.

Let’s start with the latter.

Ingredients to Avoid


Fragrances in any baby product are to be avoided. There are two reasons why.

On a less serious note, fragrances are bad for babies to be around. This is because it gets pretty nauseating for them.

When you visit a family with a baby, people advise you not to put on perfume or cologne during your visit.

This is so they don’t feel overwhelmed and sick from the strong scents of those fragrances.

Little to no fragrances in baby products are recommended, and most baby products come with scents that are light and appealing for babies.

But, you can never go wrong with fragrance-free options.

The next reason has to do with the fact that fragrances can sometimes be artificially made.

Artificial ingredients mean that synthetic chemicals were involved in making those scents, which surround the entire product via the fragrance.

So not only will babies feel overwhelmed by the fragrance, but the chances of synthetic chemicals entering their immune system are higher.

Babies’ sense of smell isn’t the only sensitive thing about them, it’s the same case for their immune system.

Their bodies are still in development during this stage in their lives, so a safe and healthy environment should be prioritized.


Moving on to the more serious ingredients, parabens are a common chemical in baby products that you should avoid.

Parabens are a type of chemical preservatives used in products, including diapers.

They are placed in products in order for bacteria to stop growing.

They also help prolong a product’s shelf life.

There is no conclusive evidence that claims the dangers of parabens, although some reported side effects are the disruption of bodily hormones and increased risk of cancer.

Regardless, it is still ideal for minimizing the amount of parabens in products.

This is to take the baby’s skin sensitivity into account.


This chemical has a negative impact on the neurotic development of babies.

The biggest risk this substance poses is that it is classified as carcinogenic (can cause cancer) .

Tributyltin (TBT)

TBT is an organotin (Organic tin compound) known to be harmful to aquatic life.

Volatile Organic Compounds (VOC)

VOCs are chemicals that release fumes into the air once a product is opened and used.


Diapers that are made of plastic are something you should avoid as much as you can.

Plastic takes an incredible amount of time to decompose.

This alone has a negative impact on the environment.

The other issue that plastic poses is the synthetic ingredients that go into making them.

Plastic diapers contain the synthetic ingredients mentioned above, so the chances of babies coming into contact with said chemicals are higher if they wear plastic diapers.

Little baby having the diapers changed by his loving mother -

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What to seek

With some ingredients to avoid now listed, we can now move on to the qualities and ingredients you should look for.

We already know that fragrance-free ones are up there with the other qualities of a non-toxic diaper, but what else?

An absence or minimal presence of chemicals is what you should prioritize when buying non-toxic diapers.

If you can find a diaper brand that has little to no chemicals involved in the manufacturing process, then get them for your baby.

Positive Impact on the environment

The baby’s health and safety aren’t the only things that diapers can affect.

The environment is also something to consider.

Disposable plastic diapers are single-use. Once they’ve done the job, they get thrown away.

They end up in landfills and take hundreds of years to decompose.

A diaper that can have a positive impact on the environment around you is always a plus for the non-toxic aspect of diapers.


Organic materials are the way to go these days, and for a good reason.

A baby’s skin is soft and still very sensitive. It’s not good for them to be wearing a diaper 24/7 that is coarse and uncomfortable.

A good diaper is one that is soft and pleasant to the skin.

Organic materials have proven to be just that.

There are two popular alternatives to disposable diapers that people recommend.

These two organic options are cloth and plant-based diapers.

Plant-Based Diapers

A good example of an organic diaper is one made of bamboo.

A plant-based diaper is easy on the skin, has no health risks involved, and is also beneficial to the environment.

The neat thing about bamboo-based diapers is that they are more absorbent than even cotton diapers.

They are also less irritating to wear for long periods of time.

Another thing that organic materials can offer is that some can be compostable.

So not only are you helping your baby, but you are also helping the environment.

Cotton Diapers

Cotton diapers are another natural alternative to disposable plastic diapers.

They are more breathable than plastic diapers, making them a more comfortable choice.

Apart from the more sensitive nature of a baby’s skin, some babies may have developed skin allergies.

Certain fabrics or chemicals that might be found in disposable diapers can cause such reactions.

Making the switch to cotton diapers will minimize the chances of allergic skin reactions to occur.


While you may miss out on the convenience of disposable diapers, you will be getting more benefits by choosing non-toxic diapers.

Prioritize your baby’s health and safety by choosing non-toxic diapers.

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