Is It Common to Be Injured by a Dog in A Park?

If you received a dog bite injury after visiting a park you frequent, you may be wondering, “Is It Common to Be Injured by a Dog in A Park?” and who else may be experiencing the same.

You aren’t alone; dog injuries are pretty common at neighborhood parks, especially ones that have dog parks.

Because they are a frequent occurrence, the Center for Disease Control has plenty of information to help dog bite attack victims address their injuries to prevent wounds from worsening.

Some of these dog bite statistics can help inform you about the likelihood of an injury caused by a dog:    


Dog Injuries Are Common

At any given moment, there are 100 dog attacks for every hour of the day.

This equates to one dog attack every 36 seconds.

About half of those attacked by dogs are children, and because children are more vulnerable, about 26% of those injured need immediate medical care.

On the other hand, the percentage of adults that require medical care after a dog attack is only 12%.

Every year, there are 4.5 million dog bites that happen.

On average, 800,000 of these injuries require medical treatment.

One out of every 73 people received a dog bite in 2019.

How To Avoid Dog Bite Injuries

It is important to avoid petting dogs without the owner’s permission first.

If you see a dog unsupervised on a leash outdoors without its owner, make sure to avoid approaching it.

Supervise kids around dogs and make sure that even around pets, you know that they are interacting with them safely.

Teach children not to pet animals they don’t know to protect them.

Here are some steps you can take if an unfamiliar dog approaches you:

Stay Calm

Try to stay still, don’t run, and remain calm; this will prevent the dog from becoming startled or chasing after you.

Dogs can get aggressive when scared, so remaining calm can help reduce this chance.

Being fearful can also provoke a malicious dog to attack as well.

Be Firm And Say No

You can turn a dog away by saying “no” and “go home” in a loud voice.

Stay in control and command a dog to leave using common terms its owner may have used in the past.

Avoid Direct Eye Contact

Dogs see eye contact as a threat or challenge if they haven’t been conditioned to see it as a sign of communication or affection.

Don’t make eye contact with a strange dog, as they can see this as a sign of aggression and cause it to become violent.

Don’t Panic

Don’t become fearful and frantic when a strange dog approaches you because this will excite the animal.

Raise your hands to your neck slowly using your elbows and back away, letting the dog pass without interaction.

If you thrash and wave your hands rapidly, this can make the dog think you’re playing with it or convince it you mean it harm, provoking it to jump and snap at you.

Is It Common to Be Injured by a Dog in A Park? And What if I Was Attacked By A Dog?

If you recently received a dog bite attack, you can seek a settlement if you believe the dog owner is at fault.

Work with a helpful attorney who can hold the dog owner responsible for your injuries and help you obtain fair compensation.

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