What If My Dog Eats an Iguana?

Dogs are notorious for consuming bizarre items, such as toys and rings, and smaller creatures, such as iguanas, so what happens if my dog eats an Iguana?

Because iguanas are reptiles, your dog’s eating escapades could have fatal implications.

The best thing you can do for your dog in the unusual event that serious consequences arise is to be prepared. You can contact a specialist now who can assist you in resolving the issue at its source.

Symptoms of iguana poisoning include:

  • Lethargy
  • Lack of appetite
  • Excessive drooling and thirst
  • Vomiting
  • Diarrhea
  • Anxiousness
  • Pale gums
  • Irregular movements

image of veterinarian and assistant examining a dog - What happens if a Dog Eats an Iguana


What Happens When a Dog Eats an Iguana?

If you’ve just noticed your dog acting strangely and suspect it may have eaten an iguana, you need to know what happens in its body during this time to determine how severe the problem is.


Eating a salmonella-infected lizard poses a significant risk to your dog.

Even though most small lizards in Florida are not hazardous to dogs, most of them carry salmonella and can pass it on to your dog if eaten.

Salmonella is unlikely to pose a significant health risk in a healthy dog.

It can, however, become a significant problem if your dog has pre-existing health conditions or is simply unfortunate.

The best way to protect your dog against salmonella after eating a lizard is to watch for any signs or unusual changes in behavior.

It might lead to a fast heart rate and shock under challenging situations.


Dead iguanas carry the bacteria that causes botulism; if consumed, dogs can develop symptoms that appear within a day.

The symptoms are minor, but the predominant sign is paralysis, which begins in the tail and back legs and progresses to the front legs.

The diaphragm and esophagus may become disabled as a result of this.

Treatment can be costly; if the dogs’ immobility prevents them from breathing independently, they will need to be intubated to stay alive.

Aside from botulism, most lizards and reptiles carry additional microorganisms and can release poisons that can harm your pet in various ways.

Dogs can get poisoned when they eat iguanas.

While iguanas do not have any toxins or venom, they can have worms or flukes in their internal organs that can be passed on to your pet if eaten.


Another issue to consider if your dog eats a lizard or any other small animal is that it may become trapped in its gastrointestinal tract and obstruct digestion.

This is the most deadly but least likely outcome of dog lizard consumption.

Intestinal blockages are most prevalent when dogs ingest things they can’t digest, such as toys, paper clips, or string, but they can also happen if your dog swallows a lizard whole without chewing it.

Again, the best course of action is to watch your dog for changes in behavior and typical symptoms like vomiting, lethargy, weakness, and loss of appetite.

If your dog has any of these symptoms after eating a lizard, bring it to the vet as soon as possible.

If not recognized and treated as soon as possible, intestinal blockages can swiftly become lethal.

What You Should Do If a Dog Eats Iguana

Because of the range of toxins and the severity of the symptoms, you should seek medical help as soon as the first symptom appears.

The vet can explain what can happen and whether or not you should bring your pet in.

But it is always easier to prevent than to treat.

You should take preventive measures to keep iguanas out of your home, especially if you have pets.

  1. Use an iguana repellent to keep iguanas away from your yard and plants. Garlic spray and neem oil have worked for some people. These repellents do not harm iguanas because they are made with natural components.
  2. Remember that it is forbidden by law to harm iguanas. Instead of hurting an animal and getting in trouble with the law, it is better to call an expert who will get rid of them professionally.
  3. Fruit is an iguana’s preferred food. Citrus trees are not one of their favorites. Keep your rubbish covered and secure to avoid attracting iguanas, and do not leave food outside.

Please follow these tips to ensure your loved Dog lives a long and healthy life as a family member.

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