The Ultimate Fur Mom Guide to Raw Feeding Dogs

If you’re looking to take your dog’s nutrition to the next level, raw feeding is the way to go.

Not only does it provide optimal nutrition and health benefits, but it also helps strengthen the bond between you and your furry friend.

So if you’ve been considering making the switch to raw feeding for your pup, then this guide to raw feeding dogs is for you!

image of samoyded white fluffy haired dog sitting nicely - Guide to Raw Feeding Dogs


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Benefits of Feeding Raw Food to Dogs

Raw food diets for dogs have been gaining popularity in recent years as more and more pet parents are looking for ways to improve their furry friend’s health.

There are many benefits of feeding raw food to dogs, including improved digestion, healthier skin and coat, and increased energy levels.

One of the biggest benefits of feeding raw food to dogs is improved digestion.

Dogs who eat a raw diet typically have much better digestive health than those who eat a traditional kibble diet.

This is because raw food contains all of the nutrients that dogs need for optimal digestive health, including enzymes, probiotics, and healthy fats.

Another benefit of feeding raw food to dogs is healthier skin and coat.

Dogs who eat a raw diet typically have shinier, healthier coats than those who eat kibble.

This is because raw food contains higher levels of omega-3 fatty acids, which are essential for healthy skin and coat.

Finally, another benefit of feeding raw food to dogs is increased energy levels.

Dogs who eat a raw diet tend to have more energy than those who eat kibble.

This is because raw diets are packed with nutrients that help support a healthy metabolism.

If you’ve never ever used raw dog food before, it may take some time for your dog to adjust to the new diet. But once he does, you should notice a boost in his energy levels!

What Should I Feed My Dog?

There are a few things to consider when deciding what to feed your dog.

The first is whether you want to feed them raw food or kibble.

If you’re not sure, there are pros and cons to both.

Raw food is more natural and closer to what dogs would eat in the wild, but it can be more expensive and time-consuming to prepare.

Kibble is easier to store and doesn’t require as much prep work, but it’s not as nutritionally dense as raw food.

Once you’ve decided what type of food you want to feed your dog, the next step is to choose a brand.

There are many different brands of raw dog food on the market, so do your research to find one that uses high-quality ingredients and has a good reputation.

The same goes for kibble – there are lots of options out there, so read reviews and compare ingredients to find the best fit for your pup.

Last but not least, make sure you’re feeding your dog the right amount of food based on their age, weight, and activity level.

Puppies and active dogs need more calories than sedentary adults, so adjust their portions accordingly.

You can talk to your vet about how much food your dog needs, or use an online calculator like this one from the American Kennel Club.

How Much and How Often Should I Feed My Dog?

A dog’s stomach empties in about six hours, so they should be fed at least two times a day.

The amount of food will depend on the size, age, and activity level of your dog.

Puppies need to eat more frequently than adults because their stomachs are smaller and they have rapid growth spurts.

During these periods, they may need to eat as often as four times a day.

The best way to determine how much to feed your dog is by using the 2-3% rule.

This means that 2-3% of their body weight should be in food per day.

For example, a 50-pound dog would need 1-1.5 pounds of food per day.

If you’re unsure of how much to feed your dog, ask your veterinarian for guidance.

Supplements to Consider Adding to Your Dog’s Diet

– Omega-3 fatty acids: These can help improve your dog’s coat and skin health, as well as reduce inflammation.

– Probiotics: Consider adding a probiotic supplement like Nutra Thrive Dog  to improve your dog’s digestion and gut health.

– Antioxidants: These can help protect your dog’s cells from damage and disease.

– Joint supplements: These can help support your dog’s joints and mobility.

image of dog playfully reaching up with one front paw - Guide to Raw Feeding Dogs

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Raw feeding can bring so many benefits to your fur baby, from a healthier coat to improved digestion.

All you need is the right information and resources about raw feeding for dogs.

Our guide on raw feeding for dogs has hopefully provided you with the foundation to start this journey off safely and confidently.

With dedication, patience, and consistency, you are sure to see amazing results that will keep your pooch happy and healthy!

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