How to Determine the Right Birthing Option for You

There are many ways a woman can choose to give birth so learn How to Determine the Right Birthing Option for You.

It is beneficial to do some research as soon as you hear that you are expecting so that you can find the best birthing option for you.

How to Determine the Right Birthing Option

Hospital Birth

The traditional place of birth is a hospital.

Many people believe that this is the safest option as medical assistance is immediately available should things take a turn for the worse.

Giving birth in a hospital is advisable if you have any medical conditions that may put you and your child at risk during labor.

A hospital has medical specialists and equipment on hand for all eventualities.

Hospitals also have a selection of pain relief medications such as epidural injections and gas and air.

If you choose to have an epidural, a hospital birth is essential as an anesthetist must administer this form of relief.

If you decide to have a hospital birth, it’s beneficial to pack a bag with essentials for you and your baby and keep it near at hand so you can grab it as soon as your baby starts to make its journey into the world.

Check out this handy PDF checklist for some ideas of what to pack for your hospital stay.

Home Birth

For many women, the idea of being in a hospital leaves them cold and feeling scared.

Numerous pregnant women choose to give birth at home because it makes them feel more relaxed and comfortable in familiar surroundings, and they can have family present at all times if that suits them.

Home birthing is not suitable for all women – it will only be advisable for low-risk pregnancies and not for women who have diabetes, high blood pressure, or a high BMI or those who have had abnormal scans, a baby in a breech position or a previous C-section.

This is in case immediate medical intervention is required.

Pain relief is a big concern for women considering a home birth. Entonox – a combination of oxygen and nitrous oxide gas can be supplied in your home by a midwife, as can an injection of pethidine or diamorphine.

Water Birth

Laboring in water is an option.

Being in water can provide an element of comfort during childbirth as it gives the body buoyancy and makes movement more fluid.

The water’s warmth may also offer some pain relief, and some reports suggest that a water birth may be less lengthy than a dry delivery and have fewer incidences of vaginal tearing.

Inflatable birthing pools can be installed in your home, or if you have a pregnancy with a small element of risk, you will be safer finding a hospital or birthing center with birthing pool facilities on site.

As with home births, water births are not suitable for all women.

Waterbirth is not ideal if you have high blood pressure, diabetes, are having multiple babies, you have an infection, or your baby is large, in a breech position, or premature.

If you found this article, How to Determine the Right Birthing Option, useful check out these related resources; 5 Benefits of Home Birth, Are All Infant Formulas The Same? and Tips for Breastfeeding Moms.



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