Celebrate Christmas in Canada by Refining Your Hockey Skills at Home

When Canadians aren’t playing ice hockey or watching it on TV, they’re working on Refining Your Hockey Skills at Home.

Hockey is a passion for many Canadians.

No matter your level of experience or ambition, improving your hockey skills isn’t just good for the team; it’s also a lot of fun.

Let’s check out some of the best training tools for players to practice at home the way they would on the ice.

Celebrate Christmas in Canada by Refining Your Hockey Skills at Home


Snipers with a hard and accurate shot can beat goalies one-on-one and change the game’s outcome.

Many people struggle to practice shooting pucks because a wayward puck can physically damage a basement wall or garage door.

Leaders like HockeyShot Canada make shooting tarps that protect your property while giving shooters targets to snipe.

The tarp will cover the net except for the top corners and five, extending beyond the pipes to protect your property.

Use a shooting pad at home so the puck glides like it’s on ice while you train. 

You’ll shoot harder in the game when you’re accustomed to shooting hard in practice.

It’ll also keep your stick blade from chipping away.


Passing the puck well is the basis of team play.

Whether you want to control possession in the offensive zone until a scoring chance presents itself or break out quickly from your own end, passing the puck is what’s key.

Work on your saucer pass with a “sauce kit” and turn practice into a game you can set up on the driveway or at the park.

Play with a friend and pass into each other’s nets.

Passers that return the puck with equal force are also a great way to hone your precision and work on cradling passes sent to you.

This is also a great tool for working with one-timers.

Passing is a two-way street; you need to dish the puck out and handle what comes in.


The moment the Zamboni leaves the ice, you can finally begin skating, which is special.

Synthetic tiles let you skate at home, so you can enjoy the freedom of going for a skate whenever you’d like without paying for ice time.

The interlocking tiles let you create a skating surface of any size, indoors or out.

The best tiles stand up to cold and heat, so you can skate on them in any season for years to come.

They’re also strong enough for a car to park on them, so you can leave them on the driveway without removing the tiles each time a car pulls up.

Skill can make a crucial difference at the right time in a hockey game.

One fantastic play can be the difference between a win and a loss.

Practicing these skills at home can be as fun as playing in the actual game, especially with smart training equipment that simulates game conditions.

Have fun refining your hockey skills at home this Christmas with some of the equipment mentioned above.

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