How to Help Your Kids Maintain the Health of Their Eyes

When it comes to teaching kids about how to properly take care of their body, it can often feel like your advice and instructions are falling on deaf ears but we must learn How to Help Your Kids Maintain the Health of Their Eyes.

Most kids aren’t interested in such things since they have yet to experience any consequences of poor health habits.

However, it is important that you do what you can to teach them good habits early.

This also pertains to how your kids care for their eyes.


Most children under a certain age don’t even have to deal with glasses, let alone any other eye issues.

As they age, though, this will most likely change.

You should do what you can to teach your kids to respect their eyes and make sure that they are doing what they can to take the best care of them.

Here are a few things that all kids should know about eye health.

How to Help Your Kids Maintain the Health of Their Eyes

How to Wear Glasses and Contacts Properly

Many kids have to start wearing glasses at a relatively young age.

Unfortunately, knowing if your child needs glasses isn’t necessarily easy to discover.

You might notice that your child squints when looking at things that are far away or that they have started to get headaches more frequently.

If this is the case, you should take them for an eye exam right away.

When a child starts wearing glasses, they must be instructed about the proper way to do so.

For instance, if they play a contact sport, they should have a pair of glasses that won’t shatter on impact.

If they have a pair of everyday use and a specialized pair for sports, make sure they know that they must switch into the appropriate pair whenever they play their sport.

As your child gets older, they might wish to start wearing contact lenses.

While this is acceptable for teenagers, young children should not be given contacts.

Teens should be taught how to keep contacts clean and how long they should be worn.

You should also look to get your child a quality brand of lenses, like Precision 1 contacts.

It is also crucial that your child doesn’t wear their lenses for longer than eight hours at a time and that they never sleep in their lenses.

Limit Screen Time

These days, screens are essentially unavoidable.

Kids tend to either be on a computer, smartphone, or television all day.

While screens are just a regular part of life, they can also be damaging to your child’s eyes.

You should look to limit your child’s screen usage every day so that they can give their eyes a break.

If they are going to be using a digital screen, make sure that they aren’t doing so in the dark, as this can cause more strain on the eyes.

You should also make sure that your kids aren’t using screens too close to bedtime.

Not only are their eyes already tired from the rest of the day, but that can also have a negative impact on sleep.

Check out these great resources here; The Best Snacks for your Growing ToddlerTips to get your Picky Eater to Eat and How to Create Healthy Habits for your Kids


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