Is a Toasted Bagel with Cream Cheese a Healthy Choice for Breakfast?

It was spreading cream cheese on a bagel. Healthy, tasty breakfast food. (Image Source: iStock)

Have you ever enjoyed a warm bagel spread with cream cheese for breakfast? Many of us have! It’s a favorite in homes and coffee shops everywhere. But have you ever thought about whether it’s a good and healthy breakfast choice to start your day?

This article will explore this tasty breakfast item, from the bagel itself to the creamy topping.

But we’ll look at what’s in a bagel and cream cheese and if it’s good for you. We’ll also talk about the different types of bagels and toppings and how they can affect the calories and nutrients you’re getting.

And here’s something fun—did you know that how you toast your bagel can change its taste? Yep, we’ll dig into that, too.

So, is a toasted bagel with cream cheese a good breakfast? Let’s find out together. By the end of this, you’ll know more about your breakfast choice and how to enjoy it healthily. Let’s get started!

Are Toasted Bagels with Cream Cheeses Good for Health or Not?

Toasted bagels with cream cheese are super tasty, no doubt about that. But there’s more to consider when we consider whether they’re good for us. Bagels give us a lot of energy because they contain complex carbohydrates.

You also get fiber if you choose a bagel made from whole grains. Fiber is like a superhero for our tummies; it doesn’t make us put on weight and even helps us lose some!

Now, let’s talk about protein. Some unique bagels, like those made with whole wheat or eggs, have a good amount of protein. Protein is like a building block for our muscles. When we compare bagels to other breakfast treats, like croissants or donuts, bagels have less fat, which is a win!

To make your bagel even healthier, you can add some scrambled eggs on top for more protein. But what about the yummy cream cheese? If you’re looking at your health, you might choose cream cheese with less fat.

You can also try the best bagels with different yummy spreads, like peanut butter. Putting things like avocado or peanut butter on your bagel is tasty and intelligent if you’re trying to lose weight or have sugar issues.

Nutritional Content of a Regular-Sized Toasted Bagel with Cream Cheese

Many people enjoy a toasted bagel with cream cheese for breakfast. Imagine a doughnut-like bread that’s a bit chewy—that’s a bagel. Now, spread a soft, creamy cheese made from milk on top, and that’s cream cheese. Together, they make a yummy and filling breakfast.

Now, let’s talk about what’s inside this delicious breakfast combo. When you eat a regular-sized toasted bagel with cream cheese, you’re eating a lot of energy-giving ingredients. It’s packed with stuff called carbohydrates – about 25 grams in total. These carbohydrates are what give you the energy to start your day.

But wait, there’s more. This combo also has fats. Fats might sound bad, but our body needs them to work correctly. There’s around 8 grams of fat in this meal. Plus, it has protein, like the building blocks for our muscles and body. You get about 5 grams of it from this breakfast.

If you choose a specific kind of bagel breakfast, like the “Breakfast Toasted Bagel With Cream Cheese,” you get even more good stuff. This has a whopping 51.3 grams of carbs, and 47 grams of these are the kind that give you energy.

The fat in this one is 15 grams, and the protein is 13 grams. Also, there’s a tiny bit of salt, about 38 grams, which our body needs.

So, in simple words, having a toasted bagel with cream cheese is like having a mini energy booster. It’s tasty and good for you, giving you carbs, fats, proteins, and a little salt. Perfect to kickstart your day!

5 Health Benefits of Eating toasted Bagel with Cream Cheese in Breakfast

  • Rich in Vitamin A

One of the critical nutrients found in cream cheese is vitamin A. This fat-soluble vitamin is essential for maintaining good vision and plays a crucial role in bolstering our immune system.

Additionally, it aids in preserving the health of various tissues in our body, including the skin, lungs, and intestines. Just a mere ounce of cream cheese provides about 10% of the daily recommended value of this vitamin.

  • Packed with Antioxidants

Free radicals, unstable molecules, can wreak havoc in our body, leading to cell damage. Thankfully, cream cheese acts as a reservoir of antioxidants. Among these are carotenoids such as lutein and zeaxanthin.

These specific antioxidants benefit our eyes, offering protection and reducing the risk of certain eye diseases.

  • Potential Probiotic Benefits

The process of making cream cheese involves using lactic acid bacteria. Among these bacteria, some strains are probiotic. Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that confer various health advantages.

Some strains, for instance, modulate our immune system, either by lessening inflammatory reactions or amplifying the immune response to infections.

Consuming cream cheese may introduce these beneficial bacteria to our gut.

  • Source of Beneficial Short-Chain Fatty Acids

Some intriguing evidence suggests that certain types of cream cheese might boost the levels of short-chain fatty acids in the body. These fatty acids are vital as they serve as the primary energy source for the cells in our colon. 

Additionally, they help curb inflammation, which is advantageous for individuals with inflammatory conditions.

  • Friendly for Those with Lactose Intolerance

Dairy products are often a no-go for people with lactose intolerance because they contain lactose, a sugar that they struggle to digest. Cream cheese contains minimal lactose, less than 2 grams per ounce.

This means that even lactose-intolerant people might enjoy a toasted bagel with cream cheese without facing the typical digestive discomforts.

How Much Energy Does a Bagel Give You?

Bagels mostly have carbs and don’t have much fat or protein. You get more protein even if you put stuff like cream cheese or fish (lox) on sesame bagels.

Try to pick ones without too many sweet things, like chocolate chips. Also, the bigger the bagel, the more calories it has. So, if you’re watching your weight, choose smaller ones.

Some people might wonder if bread or bagels are better. The answer depends on the kind of bagel you’re having. A regular medium-sized bagel can have up to 300 calories without any toppings.

If you look at an average 100g bagel, it’ll usually have less than 300 calories and about 56g of carbs. This is roughly 15% of the daily calories a woman might need.

But don’t just focus on the calories! Bagels also have fiber, which is good for your stomach. Plus, they have protein and healthy fats.

How Many Calories Is A Bagel With Cream Cheese?

Imagine having a tasty bagel with cream cheese. How many calories are in it? Well, it depends. If you pick a small bagel and put just a little cream cheese on it, you might be looking at about 250 calories. But if you choose a big bagel and pile on lots of cream cheese, it can even be 600 calories!

Many kids love having a bagel with cream cheese, especially after swimming or running around. But did you know that the cream cheese on the bagel can be pretty fatty? It might have 50% more fat than you think. This means you’re also getting more salt and calories.

But don’t worry—there’s some good news, too. Some companies, like Einstein Bros., have shown that their bagels can give you more iron than some drinks. However, they don’t contain many other important nutrients.

Here’s a fun way to think about it: Eating two bagels might be like having a big burger and fries from Burger King. That sounds heavy. But if you have bagels with lox (a type of fish), it’s not as salty as having a fish sandwich and big fries from McDonald’s.

So, what’s the central point for you? When thinking about what to eat, it’s good to understand how many calories you’re getting. If one meal or snack gives you a big chunk of the calories you should have daily, it’s good to stop and think, “Is this the best choice for me?”

Cream Cheese vs. Butter: Which is the Healthier Spread for a Bagel?

When you have a yummy bagel, your topping can change how healthy it is. If you go with plain cream cheese, it’s about 360 calories in a regular-sized bagel. Every time you add a spoonful of cream cheese, you put in around 70 more calories. But what happens if you think about butter instead?

For every two big spoons of cream cheese, you get nearly 100 calories and a good amount of fat (10 grams). But, it doesn’t have much protein, less than what’s in half a small spoon. Butter, though, has even more calories and fat and doesn’t have the creamy taste of cream cheese.

So, when deciding what to spread on your bagel, think about more than just the calories. Think about how it tastes and what nutrients you’re getting. Cream cheese can be a yummy choice that’s different from butter.

But remember, the key is to use only a little of both. That way, you can enjoy your bagel without worrying about adding too many extra calories or fat.

Is a Bagel Good for Losing Weight?

Bagels have a lot of carbs, but can they fit into a diet if you’re trying to drop some pounds? Yes, if you do it right! Carbs give our bodies the energy we need. Choosing whole-wheat bagels is even better because they have more fiber and vitamins.

But here’s the thing: not all bagels are the same size. And what you put on top matters a lot. If you add things like tuna, smoked salmon, or eggs, you’re adding protein. This protein will make you feel full for longer.

Also, spreading some avocado on your bagel is an intelligent move. It gives you healthy fats, keeps your energy steady, and helps manage your blood sugar.

Think of it this way: eating a bagel is like having four slices of bread. So, if you want your bagel to be even better, top it with avocado or peanut butter. This way, you won’t get hungry too fast, and your energy will last longer. So, while bagels can be part of a diet plan, it’s all about how you enjoy them!

How Much Protein is in a Cream Cheese Bagel?

When you eat a bagel with cream cheese, you’re getting some protein. How much? It depends on the bagel’s size and how much cream cheese you spread on it. You can get between 3 to 6 grams of protein from this combo.

If you’re watching your weight, go for a smaller bagel and only pile on a little cream cheese. For example, a sesame bagel with cream cheese might have about 360 calories. But if you go big with lots of toppings, you might eat over 400 calories just from that one bagel.

Most bagels are made from white flour, which means they have many calories. But a bagel made from whole grains can be healthier.

These bagels have fiber, vitamins, and minerals that are good for you. Just be careful not to eat too many because the calories can add up, and that could lead to weight gain.

Pick a whole-grain bagel if you’re looking for a healthy breakfast option. This type of bagel gives you the energy to start your day, and the protein from the cream cheese keeps you full. Usually, cream cheese has around 100-120 calories per serving, while the bagel can have 250-300 calories.

Lastly, remember how many calories you should eat daily: 2,500 for men and 2,000 for women. If you balance what you eat with activities like running or swimming, you can enjoy your bagel and stay healthy, too!


A toasted bagel with cream cheese for breakfast can be tasty and boost your energy. But it’s essential to consider the size of the bagel, the amount of cream cheese, and what else you might put on it.

To make it healthier, choose a whole-grain bagel, use a bit less cream cheese, add avocado, and add some veggies or lean meats. Like any food, it’s best to avoid overeating too often.

So, if you love bagels, enjoy them! Just remember to make wise choices to keep your meals healthy. After all, breakfast is a chance to start your day right, so make it count!

Also read: How many calories in a cheese quiche?


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