How to Draw a Sparrow – Easy Drawing Tutorial For Kids

Draw a Beautiful Sparrow

Hi, kids; I Hope you are doing great. You will be excited about this drawing lesson, as today we will learn a sparrow drawing in the most manageable 4 steps. If you are a newbie, you do not need to worry. Today’s drawing lesson is especially for you. 

If you are one of those kids who love to draw, then you must be interested to learn a lesson on how to draw a sparrow in the easiest possible way. And here we are going to help you out. 

By following these 4 simplest steps, your Sparrow will be ready to go.  

Inspiration of yours to make an easy drawing of Sparrow might come from the fact that you want to draw one of the most seen Birds in the surrounding area. 

You have seen Sparrows having grey, black, and brown shades, and most have brown wings with black and white patches. 

Once you draw a beautiful Sparrow drawing for kids by following these simple steps, you can fit it into any other drawing and complement it with beautiful scenery. 

So let’s get started, get up and grab the given material to draw a sparrow drawing easy peasy way. 

  • Paper  
  • Pencil  
  • Coloring Box 
  • Eraser 

4 Easiest Steps to let you know how to Draw Sparrow:  

Let’s begin to draw our drawing of Sparrow and make it fun; you will like it, kiddos.

Step # 1

First, draw a border outlines to form the body by drawing an oval and a head by drawing a circle.  

Step # 2 

Let’s start light sketching to highlight the legs and the tales. Now time to contour The Beak in the circle we have drawn. It’s just like drawing a rhombus. Now let’s contour the paws and the eyes.  

Step # 3  

Now draw some more details by drawing out these features.

Step # 4 

In this last step, fill the eye with a color circle, highlight the prominent lines, and erase the extra. And give it a finishing touch.

These are the most convenient steps to draw a cartoon Sparrow drawing in just a few minutes and complete the landscape.

Also Learn: 19 Simple and Easy Mouse Drawings for Kids

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