Can Too Much Sun Damage Your Eyes?

A good part of the day is spent out in the sun for many people, this is a seemingly innocent activity, free of any danger but can too much sun damage your eyes?

However, in recent years due to the extensive damage to the ozone layers from mass industrialization and urbanization, the harmful effects of the sun are more rampant.

The sun emits a particular ray of light called ultraviolet (UV) light, resulting in a wide range of health problems.

While most people know that UV light is particularly harmful to our skin, these rays are equally damaging to our eyes.

These health problems make it a priority for us to protect ourselves from the sun.

Here’s everything you need to know about UV light and how to prevent it from damaging your eyes.

image of young woman wearing protective sun glasses - Can Too Much Sun Damage Your Eyes?

What is UV Light?

Ultraviolet light, or UV light, is electromagnetic radiation that is emitted by the sun.

The ozone layer that surrounds the Earth is responsible for shielding us from a good percentage of UV light before it enters the Earth’s atmosphere.

This light has particularly adverse effects on human bodies, including sunburns, retinal damage, and skin cancer.

There are two types of UV light: UVA and UVB. Both contribute to skin cancer issues, but UVA rays are much more common than UVB rays.

Despite learning about its adverse effects, most people are not concerned about UV light because the damage takes years to manifest.

UV light itself does not cause any immediate long-term issues, which results in repeated UV exposure.

In addition, the sun is not the only source of UV light – it is just the only natural source of it.

Many devices, such as tanning beds and certain kinds of lightbulbs, artificially produce UV light, which should not be interacted with without proper protective gear.

However, not everything about UV light is bad.

It’s one of the best ways to treat cancer and certain skin conditions under the controlled supervision of a medical professional. 

Is Sun Damage Reversible?

While it is important to get some sunlight to maintain our circadian rhythms and to receive vitamin D, too much sun has adverse effects.

Sun damage shouldn’t be taken lightly as the effects are often irreversible.

You can mitigate a good part of the damage through various types of medicine and medical procedures, but some of the consequences from UV light are incurable.

Cataracts and photokeratitis are some of the health conditions that may result from overexposure to the sun.

Melanoma is one of the worst effects of not protecting yourself against sun damage.

The chances of suffering from this deadly skin condition increase exponentially every time you get sunburn.

Prevention is the best way to go instead of handling the long-term medical bills.  

Sun Damage Prevention

Thankfully there are many effective and cheap ways to prevent sun damage.

If you have to spend a lot of time outside playing sports or doing yard work, investing in a good pair of polarized sports sunglasses might be time.

Cheap off-brand sunglasses don’t usually have polarized lenses, making them ineffective at protecting your eyes from UV rays.

If wearing sunglasses isn’t your thing, wearing a hat can also help block the sun’s UV rays from your eyes.

UV protective sunglasses are more effective than their non-polarized counterparts, but it’s worth the investment.

Further Sun Protection

To protect your skin, you should start using sunscreen lotion before heading out of the house.

When buying sunscreen, make sure to look at its SPF rating.

The SPF rating grades how effective that particular sunscreen is at blocking UV rays.

Ideally, you should be applying sunscreen every two hours spent out in the sun.

That’s why you should carry your bottle of sunscreen around wherever you go.

Don’t forget to check for the expiration date as well. In addition, even if you use sunscreen, you should stay under the shade of an umbrella, trees, or any structure that provides overhead shelter.

Clothing is also an important aspect that most people don’t take into consideration to prevent UV damage to the skin.

You should cover as much skin as possible when going out to prevent sun damage to the skin.

Choose clothing made of light and breathable materials to make sure you don’t feel uncomfortable or sweat profusely.

Try wearing a hat to protect your face and head if it fits your style.   

Can Too Much Sun Damage Your Eyes? Keeping Your Eyes Protected

While sun damage is a very serious issue, it doesn’t mean you will have to spend every living moment protecting yourself from UV rays.

As long as you’re protecting your eyes and skin for the majority of the time, there’s no problem in not wearing sunglasses or using sunscreen once in a while.

As long as you make an appointment with an eye doctor once a year, you’ll know if anything is wrong.

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