Tattoo Ideas For Cancer Survivors

image of young woman's back with a beautiful tattoo - Tattoo Ideas For Cancer Survivors

Cancer has been a health issue in the United States and worldwide.

Many cancer survivors are getting tattoos to show off their challenging fighting spirit.

Several types of tattoos are most popular with cancer survivors, including ribbons, animals, Bible verses, inspirational quotes, and symbols.

Tattoo Ideas for Cancer Survivors

Ribbons– Ribbons come in different colors, depending on the type of cancer. Ribbons are popular as tattoos because they promote support and awareness. The most popular – is the pink ribbon for breast cancer survivors. You will begin to notice this as the most popular breast cancer survivor tattoo idea. For general cancer support, lavender is the color of the ribbon. Brain cancer is gray, lung cancer is pearl, prostate cancer is light blue, colon cancer can be either blue or brown, and ovarian cancer is teal. The color purple represents three types of cancer: thyroid, pancreatic, and testicular.

Animals—Various animals symbolize different things, like strength, courage, passion, and health. Cancer survivors often get a tattoo of an animal because of what it represents. Alligators represent survival and strength. Badgers signify strength and health. Buffalos represent honor, reverence, and sacred prayer. Falcons signify persistence, compassion, clear judgment, and passion.

Bible Verses– Bible verses are also familiar to cancer survivors. Philippians 4:13- I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me. Psalms 18:32- God arms me with strength and makes my way perfect. Isaiah 40:31- But those who trust the Lord will find new strength.

Inspirational Quotes—Several quotes have inspired cancer survivors: “Cancer is a word, not a sentence” by John Diamon, “When you come to the end of your rope, tie a knot and hang on” by Franklin D. Roosevelt, and “Some days there won’t be a song in your heart. Sing anyway” by Emory Austin.

Symbols—Many symbols have specific meanings to cancer survivors. The butterfly represents soul, independence, and freedom. The lion represents family, strength, and courage. The orchid flower represents hope and beauty. The tree represents life, honor, and understanding.

We hope you have gained a new awareness for tattoo ideas for cancer survivors and have learned what the symbol for cancer survivor is and the many different colors that signify various types of cancer.

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