9 Tips to Battle Insecurities after Giving Birth

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Giving birth to a child brings a range of emotions to mothers.

The selfless love and joy they feel as new moms are accompanied by a fair share of insecurities.

From doubts about parenting abilities to concerns about physical appearance, these insecurities negatively affect the self-esteem of new mothers.

Remember, you are not alone in this journey. With the right mindset, you can battle these insecurities and feel empowered.

Here we discuss nine tips to navigate you through the emotional journey of motherhood.

Accept your emotions

Understand that experiencing a range of emotions as a new mom is entirely normal. From joy and love to anxiety and frustration, it’s all part of the journey.

Allow yourself to feel the full spectrum of emotions without suppressing them.

Express these emotions to your partner, family members or a trusted friend. Remember that your feelings do not diminish your capabilities as a mom.

Practice self-care

It is essential for the physical and mental well-being of new mothers to be compassionate towards themselves.

Remember that you are doing the best you can, and it’s normal to have doubts and insecurities.

Make time for activities you enjoy, rest when you can, eat well and don’t hesitate to ask for help.

Self-care is not selfish. Your overall well-being affects your ability to care for your child.

Embrace your postpartum body

Appreciate the amazing things your body has accomplished in bringing a new life into the world.

You may bear physical changes to your body, but they deserve celebration for your achievements, not judgment.

While it’s natural to desire to get back your physical fitness and strength, it’s crucial to approach it with patience.

Understand that the aspiration of regaining your pre-pregnancy shape is natural, but it is not the ultimate measure of self-worth.

Perform exercises

Sweating out has many benefits for both physical and mental health.

Endorphins are substances released in the brain during exercise which uplift your mood.

With regular workouts, you will improve in strength, endurance and physical appearance, which in turn, enhances your self-esteem.

Find activities that make you feel good, whether going for a walk, participating in a sport or doing yoga.

Incorporate kegel exercises in your daily routine to counter the effects of pregnancy and childbirth on your pelvic floor muscles, vaginal tone and bladder control.

Trust your instincts as a mother

There is no single standard way of parenting.

Every child is unique and you need an individual approach in caring for your baby.

Spend quality time bonding and interacting with them, and rely on your instincts to guide you in making decisions.

Take parenting advice from trusted sources, but don’t forget you know your child better than anyone else.

Reflecting on the moments when your maternal instincts have proven accurate reinforces your trust in yourself as a mother.

Avoid comparisons

Stop comparing your motherhood journey with others. At times, what works for one family may not work for another.

Every family has its own set of challenges and circumstances. Shift your focus from what others are doing to what your child needs.

Recognize your own strengths as a parent and celebrate your accomplishments.

Set realistic expectations and understand that nobody is a perfect parent.

It is alright to make mistakes. Just learn from them. Your love and effort for your family are what matter most.

Limit social media exposure

Social media has played a significant role in shaping parental insecurities.

Your social media feeds may be full of unrealistic portrayals of parenting.

Remember that people often showcase their best parenting moments on social media, which does not depict the whole picture.

While social media brings numerous benefits and opportunities to connect, it is important to be selective in who you follow.

Unfollow accounts that bring you a sense of guilt or inadequacy as a mother.

Follow pages that provide genuine support and understanding about the challenges of motherhood.

Revive the passion in your intimate relationship

The journey of motherhood brings significant changes in a woman’s intimate life. Issues like lack of libido, problems with sexual arousal, vaginal laxity, and dyspareunia from damaged perineum are common and can be addressed by seeking professional support and guidance.

Remember, communication with your partner about your concerns and desires can help develop trust and allow for reassurance.

Engage in intimacy-building activities, spend quality time together and once in a while, plan a date night. Rekindling your intimate life helps improve your body image and confidence.

Seek support

Don’t be afraid to ask for help from your family and friends. Connect with other moms going through the same phases because they can offer advice or reassurance.

Join local parenting groups or online communities for new moms.

Building friendships with other moms can uplift your confidence.

If you find it hard to cope with the insecurities and feel it’s taking a toll on your mental health, seek professional support from a mental health therapist.

In summary

Insecurities after childbirth are common, but they don’t have to define your motherhood.

You can enhance your self-confidence and emotional well-being by bringing positive changes in your life.

The tips discussed above are valuable tools for navigating this incredible journey.

Embrace the joys and challenges of motherhood with confidence, and don’t forget that you are strong, capable and deserving of self-love and compassion.


About the Author

Ammar Mahmoud is a highly respected cosmetic gynecological surgeon

Dr. Ammar Mahmoud is a highly respected cosmetic gynecological surgeon known for his expertise in minimally invasive procedures. He has a particular focus on sexual wellness and function. He has trained at St. George’s University, where he served as Vice President of the Medical Honor Society and on the board of the Anatomical Clinical Research Society. Dr. Mahmoud also completed his residency at the State University of New York Downstate, where he currently serves as a clinical associate professor. In recent years, he has given a keynote speech on advanced labiaplasty and vaginoplasty techniques and has been a faculty member at the International Cosmetic Gynecology Conference in 2018 and 2019. Dr. Mahmoud is a member of the American Society of Cosmetic Surgeons and the American Society of Cosmetic Laser Surgery. He is dedicated to providing his patients compassionate and professional care based on individual needs.

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