9 Spring Trips to Take With Your Kiddos

The weather has finally returned to beautiful, and it’s time to break that cabin fever so where will you hit the road with your clan – check out these 9 Spring Trips to Take With Your Kiddos.

Pro-tip: You don’t need to book a vacation to enjoy a fun getaway with the littles.

To a child, everything is new — and an adventure.

The simplest excursions delight and bring wonder.

Here are nine spring trips to take with your kiddos.

image of a family sitting on an ocean beach - 9 spring trips to take with your kiddos

Photo by Weiqi Xiong on Unsplash

The Zoo

Do your little ones glue themselves to “The Wild Kratts” and “Curious George?

If so, your nearest zoo might be the perfect place to let them explore their wild side for a day.

Look for special programming designed for the youngest set.

For example, in Norfolk, Virginia, the Norfolk Zoo offers a “Breakfast With the Animals.”

Children arrive before the gates open and receive a bagged breakfast.

They then walk the zoo exhibits as they munch, dining alongside the animals likewise taking their morning meal.

Before you go, research how ethically-conscious the facility is.

Some, like the San Diego Zoo, go above and beyond, focusing on saving endangered animals from extinction.

Your little ones can learn about how they can help preserve these beautiful creatures for future generations.

The Science Center

Your nearest science center is another place to spend a full day, even a weekend, exploring and learning about the world around you.

You don’t have to let the kiddos know that your trip enhances their education — let them enjoy discovery for discovery’s sake.

With summer coming, you might investigate various camp opportunities.

You could help your kids excel in their STEM classes when school commences again.

Some programs run during the day, allowing parents to work while their little ones learn.

Others involve an adventure away from home — a rite of passage for many children.

The Museum

Do your kids have a penchant for railroads or do you have a budding young Picasso in the family?

If so, the museum makes for the perfect getaway trip to take with your kiddos this spring.

They’ll get to see much more than they might on a school trip where they have to stay with the group.

Plus, you can treat them to some astronaut ice cream at the gift shop — always a favorite for sharing with friends back at school.

While on your trip, don’t neglect to stroll the grounds.

Many museums have beautifully manicured gardens where you can learn more about various plant species.

Most little ones adore feeding the ducks, leaving the stale bread at home.

Ultra-processed foods aren’t better for waterfowl than people, and bread quickly develops toxic mold. Stick with lettuces — ducks love kale — and handfuls of peas, seeds and rice.

Your Nearest Nature Center

Spending more time outdoors is a fabulous way to boost your mood and immune system.

This trick also works for your littles, so consider this weekend excursion if your kiddos often come home from school with the sniffles.

Before you go, download a plant identification app.

You and your kids can investigate the various flora and fauna as you stroll through the woods.

Remember to leave your specimens where you find them, teaching your kids the principle of taking only photographs and leaving only footprints.

The Playground

A trip to the playground might not sound all that special — but what if you don’t settle for your typical neighborhood one?

Instead, pack up the kids and head to one in another part of town.

Your little ones will relish the adventure and expand their social circle as they meet new friends.

Keep your child’s unique needs in mind when you select your destination.

Does the facility offer sensory play?

Does it include quiet areas for children who grow easily overwhelmed to take a time out and collect their emotions?

The Beach

Going “down the shore” is a rite of passage in some locations.

It’s also an affordable option for parents whose vacation coffers run a bit dry.

Before you go, brush up on water safety tips for kids.

Ensure they’ve had basic swim lessons but insist on life jackets for the littlest ones.

Teach them to leave marine creatures alone — that washed-up jellyfish might look interesting but packs a nasty sting. 

The Amusement Park

Maybe a trip to see the world’s most famous mouse isn’t in your budget this year.

You can still get your roller coaster fix — and some nearby options might be more friendly to young children than larger theme parks.

They also cost much less and don’t leave you battling crowds.

For example, Storyland in New Hampshire lets your little ones sit with Cinderella at tea time.

Edaville Family Theme Park in Massachusetts features an old-fashioned carousel.

The Animal Shelter

Does your lease say “no pets allowed?”

You can still introduce your kiddos to the love of animals by visiting your local shelter.

These facilities always need people to walk dogs and socialize kitties.

Your kiddos can meet a team of fellow volunteers and engage in a healthy passion that might lower their risk of allergies as they grow.

The Soup Kitchen

Teaching your kids the joy of giving back has enormous benefits.

It fosters gratitude for what they have and teaches compassion for those less fortunate.

Unfortunately, soup kitchens lack volunteers as the weather gets nicer, as much as they have plenty of assistance around the holidays.

Why not lend a hand?

9 Spring Trips to Take With Your Kiddos

The warming weather means it’s time to get out of the house.

Where will you go with your clan – have a family reunion this year?

Everything is an adventure for the smallest family members.

Consider taking these 9 Spring Trips to Take With Your Kiddos.

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