7 Ways to Make Your House More Efficient

People are always looking for ways to become more productive or have more efficient lifestyles, but we often forget to look at the one place we spend most of our time: our home – so learn these Ways to Make Your House More Efficient.

Creating a more efficient household can be anything from saving money on your regular bills to working closely with your family so everyone can do their part.

Let’s take a look at 7 ways to make your house run more efficiently.

Look At Home Improvements

When it comes to having a house that runs efficiently, you’ll first want to take a look at the areas of the house that are increasing your monthly bills.

Things like single-pane windows or old, non-electric thermostats can easily start running up your energy bills.

Fireplaces, for example, are a wonderful addition to a house.

But if the fireplace insert isn’t installed correctly, you could be using up more energy than you should be.

Take a look at the areas of your house that might need improvement.

While it might be an initial investment at first, it will be well worth it in the future.

Plus, your investment will be going towards a higher resale value of your home when you’re ready to sell.

Start A Chore Wheel

You might be a type-A personality that likes to take control of everything.

However, that can be to your disadvantage.

Taking on all of the responsibilities alone can lead to burnout if you don’t learn how to delegate.

Talk to your family about creating a chore wheel.

This will help to teach the kids about responsibility while taking some of the daily household needs from your shoulders.

Start A Compost Pile

Becoming more efficient also means living a more sustainable lifestyle.

Starting a compost pile is a great way to help the environment while adding valuable fertilizer to your lawn or garden.

It reduces the amount of trash you develop every day.

According to the U.S. Department of Agriculture, food accounts for around 22% of waste in our landfills.

You also don’t need a lot of space in your backyard to start your first compost pile and it’s a much more simple process than most people realize.

Make Daily To-Do Lists

There is nothing better than starting your day making a to-do list.

It takes all of the thoughts that are racing through your head and puts them all in one tangible and organized place.

All you need is a pen and paper, or you can use the notes application on your smartphone.

Create a checklist that divides your day into small and large tasks.

Tackle all of the smaller, easier tasks first. You’ll feel more accomplished and it’ll make the process of creating an efficient day much less daunting.

Conserve Your Water Usage

Did you know that the average household in the United States wastes around 9,400 gallons of water every year?

This can be anything from an unknown water leak to choosing a bath over a quick shower.

That’s right, taking a bath uses around 55 to 60 more gallons than taking a shower!

We also waste more water when we leave the faucet running while brushing our teeth and washing dishes.

Talk to your family about ways you can each work to become more efficient with your water usage.

Replace Your Appliances

Older appliances were not made with efficiency in mind.

Old air conditioners made in 1981 were 46.4% less energy-efficient than they are today.

Large appliances like washers and dryers can consume a massive amount of water and electric energy than if you were to replace them with energy-efficient ones which is one of the top Ways to Make Your House More Efficient.

Consider Doing Weekend Meal Preps

Cooking three meals a day for every member of the family can be incredibly time-consuming on top of everything else you have to do.

A great way to alleviate some of that time is to designate one day a week for meal prep.

Usually done on a Sunday or Monday, you can prepare all of the children’s lunches and even have dinner prepped and ready to cook for the week.

While not every meal can be left in the refrigerator for a week, there are certain meal additions that are easy, like salad kits or pre-chopped vegetables.


Creating a more efficient household is more than just creating an energy-efficient home.

It’s about finding ways to make your days a little more organized and less chaotic.

To-do lists, chore wheels, and open lines of communication with the family can all play a role in helping make every part of the household run more efficiently.

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