6 Personal Safety Tips You Need to Know About

Everyone wants to feel safe in their own homes and out in public. But unfortunately, the world can be a dangerous place.

That is why it is important to take extra steps to protect yourself and your loved ones.

Today, we will cover 6 personal safety tips you need to know about.

From situational awareness to bulletproof accessories, these tips will help you stay aware of any potential threats around you and protect you against cyber or physical attacks.

Read on for more information on how you can keep yourself safe from harm.

image of woman walking her dog on a quiet road - personal safety


Be Aware of Your Surroundings

When it comes to personal safety, one of the most important things you can do is to be aware of your surroundings. This means being aware of who and what is around you at all times.

If you are walking alone, be sure to pay attention to your surroundings and be aware of any potential threats.

Walk with keys between your knuckles in your pocket if you sense that someone is following you. Take out your headphones so you can hear approaching cars and footsteps.

If you are in a crowded place, be aware of pickpockets and keep your belongings close to you.

In general, just be mindful of who and what is around you and trust your gut if something does not feel right.

Get a Bulletproof Bag

There are now ballistic bulletproof and stabproof bags being made to protect against attack.

These bulletproof backpacks for adults and kids look like normal bags, so they do not draw unwanted attention, but they could save a life.

Whether you are looking for safety tips for you or your kids, this is something to keep in mind.

While it is not nice to think about, dangerous situations can occur at any moment, whether you are at work or your kid is at school.

For instance, your loved ones might need to protect themselves against a school shooting.

These bags are great for peace of mind. Some are even made by big brands like Puma, so your kids can remain stylish while also keeping safe.

Keep Friends and Family Informed

When you are going out, especially at night or with someone new, tell your friends and family where you will be and when you expect to be back.

This way, they will know where to find you in case of an emergency, and they will wonder where you are if you are late.

Moreover, you can share your location with friends or family so they can see where you are while you are out. This is great for peace of mind.

If you are on holiday, try to keep in touch with loved ones regularly, especially if you are traveling to a new or unfamiliar place. Let them know if anything changes or if you need help.

Avoid Online Hackers

Keep your computer’s security settings up-to-date. This will help protect your computer from malware, cybercriminals, and other security threats.

Use strong passwords for all of your online accounts and make sure to change them regularly.

Using the same password for multiple accounts is a big security risk, so make sure each of your passwords is unique and difficult to guess.

Stay Safe On Social Media

Be careful what you post on social media. Once something is online, it can be difficult to control who sees it and how it is used.

So think twice before posting anything that indicates you are home alone, your home is empty, or that shows you are out late and will be walking home alone.

Moreover, be cautious about what you share in email communications.

Remember that email is not a secure form of communication, so avoid sending sensitive information through email whenever possible.

Do Not Trust People More than You Need To

Lastly, if you are chatting with a waiter, taxi driver, bartender, or anyone else you perceive to be nice, it can be easy to let too much slip.

Avoid giving out too much personal information when you are out.

You never know who you are really talking to, or what their intentions are, so it is best to err on the side of caution and only share information that is absolutely necessary.

If you do find yourself in an emergency situation, call 911 (USA) immediately and do not hesitate to ask for help from strangers if necessary.

image of young woman walking on a busy street talking on her phone - personal protection


This has been a list of 6 top tips for keeping yourself and your loved ones safe.

From being aware of your surroundings to buying a bulletproof backpack, there are many ways to keep yourself safe from physical threats while you are out.

Moreover, you should always tell your friends and family where you are going and who you are with.

Avoid hackers and stay safe on social media by protecting your data, and finally, do not tell people more about yourself than you need to.

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