Sedentary Lifestyle of Modern Children and What You Can Do About It

Does your child spend hours watching TV and playing games on the tablet? Are you worried about the unusually long time that they spend at home instead of playing outside? If yes, then this post is for you!

Today we’ll be discussing a very important topic – the sedentary lifestyle of modern children. We will talk about its definition, its impact on children’s health, and simple yet effective ways to reduce sedentary behavior, like gifting hoverboards and other tricks. Let’s get started!

What Is a Sedentary Lifestyle in Modern Children?

Sedentary Lifestyle of Modern Children and What You Can Do About It

The word Sedentary is an adjective used to describe a person who spends too much time seated or being inactive. So, when we say sedentary lifestyle, we are referring to a way of living that involves little physical activity.

According to a review, 81% of modern children don’t meet the physical activity recommendations set by WHO. They spend most of their day in front of screens or doing indoor activities – instead of engaging in outdoor play.

Examples of Sedentary Activities

  • Watching TV
  • Playing video games
  • Playing games that involve little body movements
  • Sitting for extended periods
  • Not engaging in physical exercises or vigorous play

Impact of Sedentary Lifestyle on Children

Sedentary Lifestyle of Modern Children and What You Can Do About It

Till today, no benefits of sedentary behavior have been observed. Research only shows a negative link between a sedentary lifestyle and children. Here are some of the most common disadvantages:

  • Reduced Muscle Mass

The human body is designed to move. So, without regular physical activity, muscles become weaker and less toned over time. This not only affects the child’s physical strength but also impacts overall health and mobility.

  • Poor Brain Functionality

Lack of physical activity can damage brain functionality too. It is linked to decreased cognitive function, impaired concentration, and reduced memory retention. This is because the body is not moving enough to increase the blood flow to the brain or stimulate the release of neurotransmitters.

  • Depression & Anxiety

When our body is active, the happy hormones (serotonin and endorphins) are released abundantly. But when a child spends excessive time sitting and engaging in screen-based activities, the opposite happens. They experience more feelings of isolation, low self-esteem, and mood disturbances.

  • Chronic Illnesses

Sedentary behavior can also increase the risk of chronic illnesses in children. These include obesity, type 2 diabetes, cardiovascular disease, metabolic disorders, and even cancer.

5 Things You Can Do to Reduce Sedentary Behavior in Children

Sedentary Lifestyle of Modern Children and What You Can Do About It

A sedentary lifestyle can ruin your child’s physical, mental, and emotional health. It can stop them from becoming healthier and happier. Here’s what you can do to reduce sedentary behavior effectively:

Limit Screen Time to 2 Hours a Day

Excessive screen time is the biggest culprit of a sedentary lifestyle. Mobile games, animated TV series, and e-learning platforms are all designed to keep your child engaged. However, as the parent, your responsibility is to track the screen time.

Children below the age of five typically should not be introduced to electronic gadgets, except for TV watching. They must watch TV for no more than 1 hour a day. Older children should be limited to 2 hours of screen time a day.

Go Out on Walks

Taking children out on walks not only encourages physical activity but also exposes them to the wonders of the outdoors. It stimulates their curiosity and imagination. It can also be a refreshing break from screen time and a chance for families to bond.

So, whether it’s a local park, nature trail, or even just around the neighborhood, take your child outside daily to promote a healthy lifestyle and reduce sedentary behavior.

Buy Quality Outdoor Toys

Children love toys, but you need to be wise about the toys you provide. If you buy toys that encourage outdoor play, your child will be less likely to engage in sedentary behavior.

Some examples of quality outdoor toys include a hoverboard, bike, balls, and jump rope. These toys also promote gross motor skills development, coordination, and creativity.

Play with Them

Playing actively with children not only fosters a deeper connection but also sets a positive example of an active lifestyle. Whether it’s kicking a soccer ball, playing catch, or joining in a game of hide-and-seek, active playtime encourages children to move their bodies.

Enroll in a Sports Academy

Another great way is to enroll your child in a sports academy. Be it swimming or basketball, sending your child to learn and practice a sports activity will ensure they are not living a sedentary lifestyle.

It will also instill discipline, teamwork, and a passion for sports. Your kid will get to develop a skill while getting opportunities for friendly competition too. However, make sure the activity is something your child wants to do and has an interest in.


All in all, a sedentary lifestyle in modern children is harmful. Some people may view the excessive use of gadgets by children as a high-class status, but it is actually damaging to your child’s well-being.

You must take the initiative to promote a healthy lifestyle. Encourage your child to engage in active play and explore the outdoors. And if your child is too addicted to gadgets, there’s no harm in being a little strict and taking away the devices for some time.

Remember that if you let things continue the way they are, your child’s screen time addiction will only grow – causing long-term damage to their health.

Does your child spend hours watching TV and playing games on the tablet? Are you worried about the unusually long time that they spend at home instead of playing outside? If yes, then this post is for you!

Today we’ll be discussing a very important topic – the sedentary lifestyle of modern children. We will talk about its definition, its impact on children’s health, and simple yet effective ways to reduce sedentary behavior, like gifting hoverboards and other tricks. Let’s get started!



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