Money-Saving Tips to Keep Military Moving and Relocation Costs Low


image of personal boxes, bags and motorcycle helmet stacked in a room read to move or be unpacked - Money-Saving Tips to Keep Military Moving and Relocation Costs Low

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Relocating to a new home is an exciting experience, filled with the opportunity for new beginnings. However, when it comes to military moves, expenses can quickly pile up if not efficiently managed.

Taking care of every minute detail while staying within budget can be nerve-wracking for even the most organized among us. But fret not! There are several effective strategies that could drastically reduce your costs without adding stress.

In this article, we explore numerous money-saving tips specifically designed to help keep military moving and relocation costs low.

Advance Planning

Planning ahead is one of the most crucial money-saving tips for to keep military moving and relocation costs low. 

It involves proactively figuring out your moving needs and shopping in advance for necessities. Scan for sales and bargain deals at stores or online marketplaces like eBay, which can offer substantial cost savings.

Creating an early checklist of necessary items allows you to buy them when they’re available at discounted prices. Remember, the goal is to avoid last-minute purchases, as they can lead to higher costs due to urgency and limited options.

Reduce Packing and Moving Expenditure

Another efficient strategy to save money during military relocation involves minimizing packing and moving costs.

Seemingly minor expenses like packing supplies can add up. Instead of buying boxes, ask your local stores for their spare ones, as they frequently have extras they’d be happy to give away.

Furthermore, assess the weight of your belongings. If it’s not much, the Do-It-Yourself (DITY) move. The good news is that an easy DITY cost calculation tool can help you determine whether shipping your car with your belongings inside is a cheaper alternative to using expensive truck rental services.

Manage Food Costs During Transit

For extended moves, food costs can quickly add up. With relocating already bringing in a fair share of stresses, you don’t want to blow your budget on expensive meals.

The good news is that you can significantly cut down your expenses by planning for meals during transit ahead of time. So, instead of eating at roadside restaurants or grabbing fast food, consider packing a cooler with homemade sandwiches and beverages. This not only saves money but is also a healthier alternative.

Create a Finance-Savvy Relocation Budget

Incorporating a carefully crafted budget into your moving plan is an excellent way to keep costs low.

When creating this relocation budget, ensure you include everything. These include packing supplies, transit meals, incidental costs such as vehicle maintenance, and even the potential cost of temporary lodgings in case of travel delays.

A comprehensive budget gives you a clear financial picture of your move. It allows for efficient tracking of each expenditure and actively aids in preventing unexpected cost escalations.

However, you must stick to this budget as much as possible. It will not only help maintain financial discipline but also ensure that your military move is economically smooth sailing.

Declutter Before the Move

Lightening your load before relocating is another effective way to save money on military moves.

The fewer items you have to move, the lower your moving costs will be. Hence, decluttering is not only a great way to organize and simplify your belongings but also a powerful tool for cost reduction.

Before packing, scrutinize each item and decide whether it’s necessary to take along. Things that are no longer useful can either be thrown away or donated. Better still, sell those items through online platforms or garage sales. Not only will this reduce moving weight, but it could also provide extra cash to offset moving costs.

Enlist Help from Family and Friends

Relocating doesn’t have to be a solo act. In fact, soliciting help from family and friends can save you considerable cash.

For instance, they can lend a hand with packing tasks, eliminating the need for professional packers, or even offer accommodations during your move, saving you the cost of hotel stays.

Additionally, having people you trust around can make the stressful process of moving slightly less daunting.

While they may not replace professional movers for larger jobs, every little bit helps in keeping your overall moving costs low. So, don’t undervalue the power of social support when it comes to military relocation.

Find a Moving Company with Military Discounts

Moving companies understand the enormous sacrifice that military personnel make for their country. As a result, many offer special discounts to show their gratitude.

Before you hire movers, it’s worth shopping around and comparing quotes from multiple companies. When you do get in touch, ask about any military discounts they might provide.

While the percentage off may not seem substantial at first glance, remember that when dealing with big numbers, like the cost of a move, even a small percentage can translate into sizable savings.


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