Making Space: How to Make Your Home Feel Bigger

image of a sunlight filled room - Making Space: How to Make Your Home Feel Bigger

Credit: Yehleen Gaffney via Unsplash

With so much time being spent in our homes over the last few years and a long chaotic winter, it’s no wonder many people are beginning to feel cramped in their homes.

As we eagerly await warmer weather to welcome us back outside, there are some strategies you can use to make your home feel bigger and more spacious than it actually is.

If you’re truly tired of living in a small home or have a growing family and are ready to move on, find a trusted partner in real estate to help you find a bigger home more suited to your needs.

But for those who want to stay put, here are some tips for amplifying your space and making it feel bigger.

Play with the Light

It’s amazing what changing the lighting can do to make your home feel bigger.

Having light come from multiple sources rather than just overhead lighting brightens up dark corners, creating more space.

Spreading out the lighting gives a sense of stretching the room out and can have a powerful effect.

You can also utilize the awesome power of mirrors to reflect light back into the room to create another light source.

Mirrors will bounce the light around, providing a feeling of movement and creating the sense that the space is essentially doubled.

Get Rid of Clutter

From furniture to knick-knacks, having excessive items and belongings in your home takes up space.

If you can get rid of some big-ticket furniture items, this will create ample amounts of space, but if you’re unable or unwilling to lose any furniture, it’s incredible what clearing out random objects from tables, cabinets, and countertops can do.

Start by putting away anything that isn’t used regularly or serves a specific décor purpose.

If you aren’t willing to get rid of these items immediately, box them away for a month and see how you feel at the end of it.

It’s also important to remember that decluttering isn’t a one-time-only event.

To effectively maximize your space, regularly decluttering ensures your clutter doesn’t get out of hand, keeps things organized and that everything has and stays in its proper place.

Low and Exposed Furniture

Furniture that is low to the ground opens up the space above it, giving the impression of more space.

This is also why you should leave the legs of furniture exposed.

Covering them up creates a full, boxy feeling, but exposing them shows all the space around the legs, which in turn adds to the space of the room.

There are many effective ways to maximize the space in our homes to its full potential and create an open, relaxed feeling, even in such times of uncertainty and stress.

Try out a few of these suggestions and find out just what an effect they can have on your mood and home.

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