Is Cycling Good for Weight Loss?

Cycling can be an efficient, enjoyable, and convenient way to lose weight – as well as providing numerous mental and emotional benefits.

Cycling burns more calories than casual walking, running, or jogging, depending on its intensity and duration. Longer or uphill rides tend to be more effective at helping shed calories than shorter ones.

image of cyclists in a group moving fast - Is Cycling Good for Weight Loss

However, to maximize the muscle-to-fat ratio while riding and losing weight simultaneously, you will need to create a moderate calorie deficit with reduced carb intake. 

The number of calories you can burn with cycling depends on your fitness level, age, and weight. A 155-pound woman riding for 30 minutes at a moderate pace may burn 298 calories, while a 185-pound woman can shed 355 calories during that same timeframe.

If you want to know whether cycling is good for weight loss, continue reading. 

About Cycling for Weight Loss

Bike riding is a fantastic way for anyone, including overweight individuals or those trying to maintain their weight. It is a low-impact activity and puts minimal strain on joints.

Cycling can help you to shed unwanted weight by burning more calories. Your fitness level and intensity of riding determines how many calories can be burned per hour while riding. On average, moderately fast rides lasting an hour should burn around 500 calories.

Studies have demonstrated that aerobic exercise, like cycling, can help burn more belly fat than other forms of physical activity. Furthermore, cycling also improves your metabolism and overall health.

Why Choose Cycling for Weight Loss?

Cycling can be an excellent way to help shed excess weight. But for the best results, make sure it forms part of a healthy diet and routine. Here are some reasons why you should choose cycling for weight loss. 

It Burns Calories

Cycling is one of the best ways to burn calories and incorporating weight loss supplements can further enhance your efforts.

When you cycle, you engage large muscle groups in your legs, which can burn a significant number of calories.

Cycling burns calories depending on your speed and body mass.

An average 150-pound female cyclist would typically expend approximately 500 calories an hour while cycling.

Ideal cycling, combined with the use of weight loss supplements, should consist of engaging in moderate-intensity aerobic cycling for extended periods to maintain your heart rate in the fat-burning range.

These supplements can support your weight loss goals by boosting metabolism, suppressing appetite, or increasing energy expenditure.

Remember to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating any new supplements into your routine.

It Strengthens Muscles

Cycling is an effective aerobic workout that burns calories at any pace and helps to strengthen muscles.

Bike riding can strengthen your legs, arms, core muscles, quadriceps, hamstrings, and glutes, as well as hip flexors, back muscles, and shoulders.

This activity also strengthens your balance, which tends to weaken with age and inactivity.

It Burns Belly Fat

Cycling can help you to reduce abdominal fat if practiced regularly.

However, for optimal weight loss results, you’ll also need to incorporate other activities.

Cycling not only burns calories, but it can also help build muscle.

Muscle is leaner than fat and therefore helps you get back in shape. 

It Helps You Stay Motivated

Cycling is an ideal form of exercise to increase overall fitness, set goals, reduce carbon emissions and stay connected with nature.

If your workouts seem monotonous, try switching up the route or type of ride – this can stimulate your senses, get the blood rushing, and leave you more satisfied with your efforts.

Tips to Lose Weight by Cycling

Cycling can be an incredible form of exercise that helps you burn off calories quickly.

To achieve weight loss through cycling, it’s vital to plan your sessions carefully.

Here are some tips you need to follow to lose weight by cycling. 

Ride Before Breakfast

An empty stomach cycling session allows your body to burn more fat than when fueled up for exercise.

This method has proven successful at helping individuals lose weight and build strength simultaneously.

Cycling on an empty stomach teaches your muscles how to utilize the energy stored in glycogen (blood sugar) stores.

Because glycogen fuel sources are quick and easy to access during exercise sessions, your ride may last longer before depleting this source entirely.

Push Your Pace

To lose weight, it’s necessary to burn more calories than you consume, and cycling can be an excellent way of accomplishing this task.

However, you need to increase your pace if you want to burn more calories.

Consider entering a triathlon or joining a bike club that organizes group rides of various distances and speeds to help gauge your abilities and push your pace.

Add Two or Three High-intensity Intervals a Week

HIIT can be an effective way to both lose weight and strengthen yourself.

So, with cycling, you can add two or three high-intensity intervals a week.

Important is alternating between high-intensity exercise and lower-intensity activity, taking breaks for rest in between each bout of physical activity.

Focus on Lean Protein

Protein can help keep you feeling full for an extended period between meals, which helps with weight loss.

Furthermore, it supports healthy metabolism while increasing how many calories you burn through exercise.

So, when you try cycling for weight loss, make sure you focus on lean protein.

Lean protein comes from many sources, including meat, poultry, fish, beans, and eggs.

Keep Track of Your Progress

Keep a log of your progress as part of any self-improvement journey to determine whether you’re progressing as expected or need to adjust.

This allows for an objective perspective.

If you are cycling for weight loss, make sure you keep track of your progress using an app. 

What to Eat After a Long Ride?

After a long ride, your body needs to replenish and restore glycogen stores while your muscles also require protein for repair and growth.

As part of your recovery from long rides, consuming carbohydrates and protein within 30-60 minutes after finishing can aid your body in the most effective way possible.

Here are the foods you need to eat after a long ride.

  • Smoothies
  • Chicken
  • Eggs
  • Sweet Potato
  • Nuts and Nut Butter


Cycling is a convenient and effective way to improve your fitness and overall health.

What’s more, it’s a pleasurable activity that can easily fit into a hectic schedule.

Nonetheless, it’s worth noting that simply increasing your cycling speed is not the ultimate solution for weight loss.

It is well-established that cycling, when combined with a nutritious diet, can aid in weight loss.

So, if you are trying to lose weight while cycling, make sure you eat the right foods and snacks

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