How To Transition a Nursery Into A Toddler Room

Transition a nursery room to a toddler’s bedroom usually starts when your young one begins to walk and talk, along with them becoming more independent.

As your child grows, their needs change and their living environment, like their room, should reflect those changes too.

Preparing your baby’s nursery room to become a toddler room can be daunting.

Yet keep in mind that you don’t need to carry out major changes just to make sure that your child’s room is age- and needs-appropriate.

And with proper planning, the room preparation process can be a smooth process.

Here are some ideas you can tap into to make sure that the process of transitioning your kid’s nursery into a toddler room has little to no hiccups at all:

Children bedroom for a boy and a girl with painted mountains on the walls - Transition a Nursery

Image source: AdobeStock_364518850.jpg

Declutter Old Items

If you get sentimental and tend to hold on to tons of newborn clothing and other items, you might run out of closet space for your growing toddler’s new shoes, clothes, and toys.

Start by reviewing your closet and drawers to make room for new baby items. Remove everything and sort them according to their size.

While you may want to keep some items that hold special meaning, like handmade baby booties or your child’s hospital blanket, it might be time to let go of old clothing and swaddles that no longer fit your kiddo.

Consider donating old baby items, such as board books or rattles, to shelters or friends who are expecting a child to make room for new and developmentally appropriate items.

If you have old strollers, consider donating them. Social media and local charities are some places where to donate strollers and other items.

It’s also a good idea to dispose of old sippy cups and bottles, as they’re no longer needed, and make space for bigger plates and cups more suitable for mealtimes.

Replace Your Child’s Crib with A Toddler’s Bed

Recognizing the right time and preparing to move your child from a crib to a toddler bed can be intimidating, but it’s typically straightforward.

The initial indication that your child is prepared for the transition is usually when they climb out of their crib all the time. The timing of this transition varies among children.

Still, if the timing occurs at an earlier age, for instance, between 12-18 months, switching them to a toddler bed rather than a regular single bed is recommended.

This is because a single bed can be daunting and too large for toddlers or more minor children, and they may find it challenging to adjust to.

Therefore, a toddler bed or starter bed would be a safer and more comfortable option for them.

Create A Play Area

When transitioning a nursery into a toddler room, it’s crucial to have adequate storage for your child’s growing belongings while providing enough play space and moving out items that are no longer necessary or can be stored, such as chairs.

To optimize storage, building upward instead of outward with shelving is a good idea to save floor space.

As your child grows, a changing table becomes less valuable, so repurposing it for other purposes is worth repurposing.

For instance, you could utilize it as a shelf for storing toys and books.

If the table can’t be reused, consider replacing it with a new toddler-sized chair and table for activities such as drawing and coloring as your child grows.

Change The Décor

As your child grows, they’ll develop their interests and preferences.

Decorating their room with things they love will make them feel more at home.

Choose a theme your child will love, such as their favorite cartoon character or animal.

Incorporating artwork in a toddler’s room serves as a means of expression and helps keep their mind engaged and stimulated.

Moreover, a makeover with bright colors will make the room fun and inviting.

Add personal touches to the room that reflect your child’s personality, such as a growth chart or a name plaque on the door.

Opting for something unique and intriguing is an excellent method to keep a toddler’s mind active and engrossed.

Decorative baby room wooden detail and baby interior - transition a nursery

Image source: AdobeStock_589295832.jpg

Prioritize Safety

As your child becomes more active and curious, safety becomes a top priority. You want to ensure the room is safe for your child to play and sleep in. Here are some safety measures to consider:

  • Anchor furniture to the wall: As your child starts to climb on furniture, it’s essential to anchor all heavy furniture to the wall to prevent tip-over accidents.
  • Cover electrical outlets: Your child will be exploring their environment, which means they’ll put things in their mouth. Covering all electrical outlets with outlet covers will prevent your child from sticking their fingers or other objects in the sockets.
  • Install safety gates: If your child’s room isn’t on the ground floor, you may want to install safety gates at the top and bottom of the stairs. This will prevent your child from falling down the stairs.
  • Remove small objects: Small objects, such as coins and toys with small parts, can be a choking hazard. Make sure all small objects are removed from the room.
  • Install window guards: If your child’s room has windows, installing them is crucial to prevent falls.

Creating a safe environment is crucial for allowing toddlers to explore and have fun.


Each household has distinctiveness, and each child’s room should demonstrate their unique personality.

Transitioning a room can be significant but involving your toddler can simplify the process.

When you have a concept, you can collaborate to achieve it. And remember that not every transformation has to be made in a single day.

Hold your horses, and you and your child will have a room you both adore.


Check out! 10 Tips for Safe Co-Sleeping.

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