How to Potty Train an Older Dog

image of older dog having poop in high grass - How to Potty Train an Older Dog

At some point, all dog owners must deal with the sometimes-unpleasant task of potty training.

If the dog has been in the house with you for a while and you are now trying to get them to learn to go outside, there’s a little more to it.

So how do you potty train an older dog?

We’re here to help.

Read on to learn more about Dog Board and Train to potty train older dogs.

Take Your Dog Outside to Potty at Least Once Every Hour

If you are potty training an older dog, it is best practice to take them outside to potty at least once every hour.

This is especially important in the first few weeks of potty training when your dog is still forming the habit.

Start by taking your dog out to use the bathroom as soon as they wake up, after meals, and every hour thereafter to ensure they have ample opportunities.

While outside, encourage your dog to make use of the area and reward them with treats or praise when they do.

Establishing a Potty-Training Routine

Potty training an older dog can be tricky, but it’s not impossible! To start, create a potty-training routine and stick to it. Get into a regular schedule that fits your dog’s needs.

Generally, take your pup outdoors for about 30 minutes after eating and then again, every two hours during the day. Before bedtime, take your pup outside one last time.

The reason why dog pee on bed is they do not have the opportunity to relieve themselves before bedtime.

Offer a Reward After Potty Training

Potty training an older dog can seem challenging, but you can be successful with patience and consistency. When your pup successfully goes potty, immediately offer a reward like a treat or verbal praise. This positive reinforcement will help your pet understand that they are praising them for doing the right thing.

Always remember to be patient and consistent with your dog, as this will help them learn the correct bathroom behaviors. After all, older dogs can still learn new tricks!

Crate Training to Support Transition

Crate training is very effective in helping to transition an older dog to a new home. The crate should be based on the size of the dog and provide a cozy area for them to feel secure in.

Begin by feeding the dog in the crate and then leave the door open to allow them to explore. Reassure the dog if they start to seem anxious, and crate training should become significantly easier and quicker.

Manage Accidents & Set Some Boundaries

To manage accidents and set boundaries, it is important to keep an eye on the dog and teach them the house rules. Every time there is an accident, it is important to guide the dog reasonably to the potty area.

Similarly, it is important to establish clear boundaries, such as no peeing or pooping in the house, by reinforcing the rules and rewarding good behavior.

Start Your Dog’s Journey to Potty Train

Potty training an older dog can be challenging, but it is possible with the proper techniques. Be patient and consistent and make sure to reward positive behavior and keep distractions to a minimum. Make sure to research some potty-training techniques to be more effective.

You may have to make multiple attempts, but with hard work, your older dog should be housebroken in no time. Give it a try today and see for yourself!

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