Hidden Grimy Areas in your Home that you probably never thought to clean

Cleaning can be a therapeutic endeavor or a troublesome chore, but it needs to be done nonetheless to protect your home from damage and keep the place germ-free. Your health and that of your family and pets depend on maintaining a clean and orderly house. It’s not always easy, but it can be done if you create a routine that involves deep cleaning once every few months and regular weekly touchups.

However, some areas of your home might not get regular cleaning simply because you’ve never thought they would need any cleaning. Learn what to look for with these hidden grimy areas that collect plenty of dust and dirt over time, and although they might not seem like much, you’ll instantly notice that scrubbing them changes the air quality of your home and the entire look of your home.

Here are some areas you may have missed in your home.

person holding yellow plastic spray bottle - Hidden grimy areas in your home that you probably never thought to clean - Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/person-holding-yellow-plastic-spray-bottle-__ZMnefoI3k


Kitchen sink 

If you notice unpleasant odors in your kitchen and are unsure of the source, the culprits might be your kitchen skin drain and disposal. Given the humid environment, these areas can serve as hotbeds of bacteria, where pathogens thrive.

Luckily, the solution is simple. All you need to do is mix some vinegar with baking soda to disinfect the area. Let it bubble for about ten minutes, and then pour some hot water to rinse the remaining residue. If you don’t generally clean the sink drain, you might want to start a routine in which you do so at least twice a week.


Cleaning your mattress might seem like going overboard for some, but it is actually a great way to promote more restful and restorative sleep. When you clean your mattress, you remove allergens, bacteria and dust mites.

All of them might have been disruptive to your ability to rest well every night. If you need professional assistance to tackle this task, you can look for mattress cleaning in Dubai which is done by a cleaning company.

Since mattress washing isn’t part of the standard cleaning routine of most households, getting a professional to help can also provide you with some valuable insights regarding upkeep and maintenance that you can use in the future.


Curtains attract dust and odors on a daily basis, so you should wash them anywhere between three to six months. However, if you notice yours are starting to look dirtier, you should wash them more often to keep your home looking and smelling fresh.

If you have hard window treatments like shutters and blinds, you can vacuum them or clean them thoroughly with a wet cloth. Any treatments that are machine washable should be tossed in the wash for a deep clean. Speaking of curtains, shower curtains are often forgotten about when it comes to home cleaning.

Shower curtains are prone to mold, as well as the grime that forms as a result of soap, shampoo and shower gel scum. Baking soda can solidify the stains and remove dirt so that you can remove any grime easily.


The baseboards, the fixtures covering the low part of your interior walls and which are usually made out of wood, vinyl or medium-density fiberboard, are often overlooked, even though you vacuum carpets, sweep floors and might even mop occasionally to remove any lingering dust and dirt.

However, muck can build up on the baseboards as well. It might not even be noticeable at first, but it does indeed have a significant impact on the way your rooms look. However, you might only notice it after cleaning these often-neglected areas.

You don’t need any special cleaning products for this; just some soapy water should be more than enough to wipe the surfaces clean. However, if you discover some pesky, long-forgotten stains that have solidified in the meantime, you will probably need to use a special cleaning agent.

Thresholds and frames 

These areas are typically not the focus of industrious homeowners either. If you’re amongst them as well, you’ll be happy to hear that it’s never too late to start. The same soap and water that can be used for the baseboards will work wonders on your thresholds, as well as the door and window frames.

Dirt tends to pile up in these areas as a result of stepping on or touching the materials on a daily basis. Even if your socks and hands are clean, you will still begin to see dirt gather anyway. You will notice this, especially in the case of entry doors, but it’s not limited to them.


Walls can be trickier to clean since you might be worried about damaging the paint. Use a microfiber cloth dipped in mild soap or detergent and warm water. The cloth should be thoroughly squeezed to remove any excess water. That way, you prevent watermarks and damage to the paint.

Work from top to bottom and use circular movements. Typically, an all-purpose cleaner or gentle dishwashing liquid should do the trick as well. You only need a small amount, and make sure to mix the solution thoroughly so that the detergent has dissolved completely.

The oven 

Cleaning the oven is often willfully disregarded simply because it is an intimidating kitchen chore. It is time-consuming and takes a lot of effort as you have to scrub while in a stooped position. The strong smell from the cleaning products can also irritate your nose and eyes, adding to the discomfort.

To make the task easier, fill a heat-resistant bowl with water, put it inside the oven and turn the heat on at a high temperature. This will help loosen the hardened grease and grime that has accumulated inside. When the oven cools down, you’ll be able to remove any grime with ease.

There are many places in your home that you probably don’t clean frequently. Under furniture, inside drawers, on bookshelves, and inside air filters or vents, dirt can pile up. You should also wash your cleaning tools and appliances frequently to ensure you’re doing a thorough job when cleaning the house. It might seem like a lot to do, but you don’t have to do it every day. You just need to be consistent about it and create a routine.


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