4 Features To Look For in a Cordless Vacuum Cleaner

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For years now, vacuum cleaners remain popular due to their convenience and efficiency. They allow us to keep our surfaces clean. Today, cordless vacuum cleaners provide even more convenience and have a favorite home appliance, however, choosing the right one still requires careful consideration.

A cordless vacuum cleaner doesn’t rely on an electrical socket for power and offers great mobility and flexibility of usage. However, with so many options available in the market, the features and functionalities of cordless vacuum cleaners can vary greatly. Therefore, you must carefully consider the key features you need before you invest your money in one.

The following are 4 features to look for in a cordless vacuum cleaner.

Lightweight and Compact Qualities

Your cordless vacuum cleaner should be lightweight and compact so that you can carry it around the house effortlessly. The ideal weight of a vacuum cleaner may vary from one person to another. However, a model that doesn’t weigh more than 9 lbs is perfect, even if you are planning an elaborate deep cleaning for your house. Some models weigh as low as 4 lbs, which may be ideal for those who plan to vacuum clean staircases and ceilings.

Sufficient Battery Run Time

The main reason why people choose a cordless vacuum cleaner is to avoid the hassle of looking for outlets every time they need to use it. However, to enjoy the benefit of mobility that a cordless cleaner delivers, you should opt for a model with sufficient run time. Vacuum cleaning a small apartment requires at least 60-70 minutes. Therefore, ensure that the cordless cleaner has the necessary run time in accordance with your living space so you can enjoy uninterrupted cleaning sessions.

HEPA Filtration Technology

Specifically designed to capture microscopic particles, including allergens such as pollen, pet dander, and dust mites, HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filtration technology is said to improve the cleanliness and the indoor air quality of homes.

Powerful Suction and Airflow

Suction determines how efficiently the air volume moves inwards into the vacuum cleaner. The higher the suction, the better the cleaning capacity of the tool will be. Carefully look at the vacuum cleaner’s suction motor and airflow before purchasing it to ensure you can enjoy optimal and consistent performance.

Choosing the right cordless vacuum cleaner is not just a matter of upgrading to a more convenient cleaning tool; it’s about enhancing your cleaning experience and ensuring your home is spotless.

The features highlighted—lightweight design, sufficient battery life, HEPA filtration, and powerful suction—make up the foundation of a vacuum cleaner that can fit seamlessly into your lifestyle, providing the opportunity of viewing this chore as a way to usher in a warm and inviting indoor environment for everyone to take pleasure in. 


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