Four Senior-Friendly Water Sports You Must Consider

image of surfboard stuck on end in the sand on a beach - Four Senior-Friendly Water Sports You Must Consider

If you are considering the best kind of sports to engage with your senior family members or friends, water sports are an excellent option. These sports are often low-impact activities, which means that they are gentle on the joints of senior people and ensure several health benefits for them.

Water sports are also known to help elderly people gain muscle tone and improve heart health. The best part is that these types of sports are proven to minimize the risk of injuries so that you can have fun without any worries.

If you are a senior or know a senior who is interested in water sports, here are some of the senior-friendly water sports you can consider regardless of skill level.

Indulge in Water Aerobics

Water aerobics is one of the most recommended and loved water activities for seniors. It is a fun and engaging activity known to improve cardiovascular health, muscle strength, and overall flexibility. It is a low-impact and full-body workout, which makes it ideal for seniors of all ages and body types.

You do not need to shop for a lot of gear for this activity. A pair of shorts, water shoes, and sunscreen may be enough to get started. As you advance in the activity, you can also use water weights to challenge yourself healthily.

This activity is often conducted in shallow water to ensure the well-being of all seniors. Hence, swimming is not an essential skill for this water activity.

Go for a Swim

If you are a swimmer, swimming is the most obvious and friendly choice of water sports for seniors. Swimming is a great way to burn calories, tone muscles, and improve health and fitness without stressing your joints. You need a swimsuit, goggles, a hair cap to get started, and a facility with a swimming pool through services such as Verve Senior Living.

To ensure your safety while swimming, it is best to ensure that you swim in a monitored area. If you get exhausted easily, stay at the shallow end of the pool. It is okay to take frequent breaks during your swimming sessions.

Enjoy Kayaking

Kayaking is an ideal senior-friendly water sport when looking for a challenge. This water sport focuses on improving your upper body and core strength. The best part about kayaking for seniors is that it gives you an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful outdoors.

You need a kayak, paddle, and a life jacket to get started. It is best to enroll in a beginner’s course under the supervision of a trained professional to ensure your safety.

Try Stand-Up Paddleboarding

SUP, commonly known as Stand-Up Paddleboarding, is a great senior-friendly water sport. This sport has gained more recognition over the years and for a good reason. It can help seniors improve their balance and strengthen their core.

You need a paddleboard, paddle, and life jacket to get started. Seniors should begin on calm waters and take a course for beginners to build confidence and skills to minimize the risk of injury.


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