Feeding Your Newborn: Tips and Tricks

Newborn babies are unbelievably adorable but that doesn’t take away from the fact that they can be quite a handful when it comes the time to feed them. Some newborns are quite happy with their meals and will proceed to nap like little angels right after they finish. 

Others, on the other hand, tend to be picky eaters and if you don’t feed them on time, the entire neighborhood will – no doubt – hear about it. Feeding the newborn can, therefore, be challenging for some mothers, to say the least. 

Your breasts may sore, your milk may withdraw and your child will definitely sense your frustration, which will easily turn feeding time into an uphill battle quicker than you can imagine. 

That being said, don’t worry as everything can be sorted out easier than you may think. All you need to do is to keep your head cool as much as possible – which, true, can sometimes be easier said than done. 

So with that in mind, let’s go over just some of the tips and tricks for feeding your newborn baby.

image of new born baby with hands on its chest - Photo by Daisy Laparra: https://www.pexels.com/photo/baby-sleeping-while-covered-white-coat-826734/ - Feeding Your Newborn

Breast milk and baby formulas

As you already know, breast milk is the main source of nutrients for your child. Every mother lactates colostrum, which is the first milk they produce immediately following childbirth. This first milk is essential for helping your child develop its immune system, among other essential functions it serves. 

Colostrum contains the mother’s antibodies that serve to protect their child from illnesses and diseases. Unfortunately, some mothers stop lactating soon after childbirth and their milk completely withdraws. Luckily, in case this happens, new moms can easily replace breast milk with baby formulas. 

Moreover, if your child is having difficulties digesting lactose and often throws up after being feed milk, you can also use a Hipp comfort formula, for example, that is purely plant-based and it won’t cause your baby to bloat or become constipated after every meal. You can even get some baby formulas in advance just in case you stop producing breast milk for any reason.

Feeding schedule

Newborns eat approximately eight to twelve times per day. That’s why it’s very important that you don’t skip feeding your child at any moment or for any reason. If you’re in public, don’t be embarrassed to breastfeed if your child is hungry. Remember that your child is far more important than public opinion. 

Also, keep in mind that the feeding time may vary, as your child won’t get hungry at the same time every day. Therefore, look for signs, such as baby moving its hand towards their mouth, sucking on fists or fingers and so on. Don’t let it get to cues like crying and fussing because by that time, your child is already too hungry and can go frantic easily.

Get a helping hand

As mentioned before, your child can sense your frustration and stress. Moms don’t get much sleep which takes a tool on their mental health. That is perfectly fine but you need rest if you wish to nurture your child properly. 

Therefore, have a helping hand on standby like your spouse or parent to bottle feed the child while your sleep or rest. That way you avoid upsetting your baby, as well as avoid skipping meals that your child yearns for.

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