5 Beginner Pickleball Tips for Your Family

You’re a beginner pickleball player and wondering how you should teach your kids to play pickleball.

Pickleball is a community, fun sport that Yahoo News stated is the fastest growing sport in America.

Let’s look at 5 beginner tips for your family.

You don’t need an expensive pickleball paddle

According to Be Pickle Baller, some of the best pickleball paddles for beginners are under $30.

For example, when you first start learning how to play, what if your kids don’t like playing pickleball and you just purchased all of your kids $100 paddles?


What’s excellent with beginner pickleball paddles is that you can find sets on Amazon that are under $20, and single pickleball paddles that are under $10.

Also, when you do want to purchase a more expensive pickleball paddle, you can find discount codes such as bepickleballer which provides a $10 off coupon to Vatic Pro, so you can find discount codes that can make your experience less expensive.

Consider an Portable Pickleball Net

My family has young kids, so it’s difficult to find time to go to a space to play pickleball. As such, we play at our home net quite often.

There’s a variety of home nets out there, but my favorite pickleball portable net was under $100, and it actually came with pickleball balls, 4 wooden paddles (that weren’t great), markers and a bag.

It beat out some of the other pickleball portable nets that were more expensive.

When in Double, Play Doubles Pickleball

I read somewhere recently that pickleball doubles is actually more popular than singles pickleball, which seems unlike tennis.

In addition, there is a huge community around pickleball with Facebook groups around the United States covering pickleball.

Finally, pickleball also appears to be more tournament heavy than tennis. For example, I constantly see more and more pickleball tournaments pop-up across my state.

You Can Create a Court In Your Backyard

Yes, that’s correct. You can renovate your backyard with a pickleball court.

Our family is looking to stay in a house in Sacramento this summer that has an amazing pickleball court in the backyard.

The nice thing about pickleball is that pickleball court dimensions are smaller than a tennis court. You can actually fit 4 pickleball courts in 1 tennis court, which means that having a pickleball court in your backyard may be much more doable than having a tennis court.

Everyone can play

You go to a pickleball court, and you can see teenagers playing pickleball with 80+ years old. It’s such a fun communal sport that does not discriminate based on age.

Also, as tennis becomes harder for the elderly, some find that pickleball can be less strain on their knees especially with doubles.

For example, just last week, my wife and I were teaching our kids’ grandparents how to play the game. It was fun as pickleball feels like a combination of tennis and ping pong.

Who doesn’t like those sports?


As someone who tries to stay active, I am working to teach my kids the sport of pickleball to improve their game from a beginner to an intermediate player.

Hopefully these 5 beginner pickleball tips will help you teach your kids how to play pickleball too as it’s such a fun sport.


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