Health Benefits of a Move In Cleaning

Before moving into a new home or apartment, you may want to have the place professionally cleaned, whether with a move in cleaning service, Dallas, or wherever you’re relocating to. Or you could clean it yourself if you have the time.

Of course, a move-in cleaning ensures that the new place meets your standards for cleanliness and is comfortable to move into, but there are also health benefits. Let’s look at some of those and perhaps give you more motivation to get a cleaning done before the move.

Team of janitors cleaning a home - Health Benefits of a Move In Cleaning

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It Kills Bacteria That You Are Vulnerable to

Bacteria is everywhere. It’s in your mouth, your gut, and all throughout your house. Your body is used to much of the bacteria you come into contact with in your own home. Your immune system recognizes that bacteria and it has a defense against it or even benefits from it in some way. But what about other people’s bacteria hiding in their homes?

If you move into a new place, you may encounter bacteria your body isn’t prepared to deal with. Your immune system may not be familiar with those bacteria so that it will react violently. You may look forward to enjoying your new home but might not expect to spend the first week battling a cold or flu. If you don’t clean the place before your move, that’s exactly what could happen.

You don’t run into this kind of issue as much when you stay at a hotel, and that’s because the hotel room is likely cleaned and sanitized before you get there. Do the same thing for your home, and you can have the same pleasant experience.

You Will Prevent and Remove Pests

How clean were the last tenants who lived there? Did they have a pest problem, and if so, did they do anything about it? Maybe they tried to get rid of rats and roaches but were unsuccessful. You might not catch all that when you visit the home before moving in. To be on the safe side, it’s better to do a thorough move-in cleaning or have one done.

Proper cleaning will help eliminate any pests in the house and their nests, eggs, droppings, and anything else they might leave behind. In some cases, a pest removal service is necessary, but starting with a move-in cleaning will make a big difference.

If your home has been properly cleaned, you are less likely to see pests. You will also prevent pests from returning and re-establishing their nests in your new home.

Cleaning removes food sources for the pests, like crumbs, spills, and grime. So, you will be making your home less attractive to them. Once they have been chased out, they may not attempt to return and may find somewhere else to make their home.

Getting rid of pests and all they leave behind in the home is a great way to reduce health issues caused by bacteria and allergens. Many people have at least minor allergies to animal dander and droppings. A thorough cleaning can mean a better night’s sleep, fewer allergic reactions, and easier breathing.

Improved Air Quality

Cleaning does wonders for the home and your health. A thorough home cleaning can clear up issues you didn’t even know you were experiencing. Many people don’t realize that their stuffy nose, sneezing, and insomnia could be caused by dust and mold in the home. However, they notice a big difference once those allergy-causing particles are removed.

There are definite advantages to having a professional come and do the move in cleaning for you. You might be rushed to get the work done and handle all the other tasks you must do. They won’t have that kind of constraint. You might not be able to get in all the corners and along the ceiling as you clean, and you may have trouble getting rid of some kinds of mold and other unwanted grime. Professional cleaners will have the tools and training to deal with that.

Whatever method you choose for the move-in cleaning, just having it done will benefit your health. You won’t have to worry about dust allergies bothering you as much, so you can breathe easier and sleep more soundly. It also means you won’t have to fight mold and mildew when you move into the home.

Imagine turning on the ventilation system in your new home for the first time and having dust blow out the vents. Avoid that problem by having them well-cleaned ahead of time.

Less Anxiety for the Move

There may be many factors about your new home that are worrying you. For each new homeowner, the list of worries will be different, but cleaning the home before you move in can alleviate many of those fears. Are you worried that your family will be safe there or you will encounter pests or pollutants? Are you worried about sticky substances and stains left behind by the previous owners? Are you bothered that the toilets or showers might not be very sanitary or that the kitchen countertops may not be clean enough to make food on?

These fears and many more can be dealt with through proper cleaning. There may be potential problems you haven’t even thought of yet that will be eliminated because you had your home cleaned first.

A clean home causes less stress. Even if your home has little dust and no pests, a cluttered space can be stressful. When you clean the home before moving in, you can organize it and make it look beautiful, eliminating potential stress in your life. Moving in should be an enjoyable experience, and proper cleaning beforehand ensures it is.



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