How to Have the Healthiest Spring Ever

Spring is an ideal time to enjoy the warm weather and connect with friends and family and to do this, you want to be feeling your best so follow these tips on How to Have the Healthiest Spring Ever. 

image of healthy food is a great start to learn How to Have the Healthiest Spring Ever

Photo by Ellieelien on Unsplash

Put the Phone Down

Most people spend about five to six hours on their phones a day.

It is easy to get lost in messages and social media updates.

However, this makes it more likely for you to disengage with friends, family and even co-workers.

It also can cause eye strain and limit your physical activity.

Another thing to consider is the blue light from the device can make you more alert at night.

Therefore you want to try to reduce your screen time.

One way is to put the phone down whenever you’re engaging in a conversation or doing a group activity.

If you’re still distracted, delete time-wasting apps or download site-blocking software.

Also, try setting personal time limits each day to hold yourself accountable.

Enjoy the Fresh Air

Getting outside is easy to do with lovely spring weather and can improve your mood.

Being in nature can have a calming effect.

You can take a walk during your lunch break or play an outdoor sport with friends.

Being outside allows you to soak up vitamin D.

This vitamin helps with calcium absorption so you can maintain strong, healthy bones.

Plus, outside encourages physical activity, which regulates weight management and strengthens your bones.

It also helps to prevent and manage chronic diseases such as heart disease or arthritis.

You need to get at least 150 minutes of moderate aerobic activity a week.

Reduce Your Sugar Intake  

Sugar can be addicting, but too much is not a good thing.

It can cause inflammation within your body.

This can make it harder for your body to heal and age your skin.

The extra insulin can clog your arteries and lead to heart problems.

In addition, sugar can cause mood swings.

You get an adrenaline rush when you eat it, but then you crash.

So, try to eat more fruits and vegetables and drink less sugary beverages, like sodas.

Also, you can always supplement a delicious fruit salad for a chocolate cake dessert.

Another tip is to use less sugar in your coffee or tea.

Get More Rest

Sleep is essential to keep you functioning and alert.

In today’s fast-paced society, sleep is something many people sacrifice.

If you don’t get enough sleep, it can lead to a lack of alertness, impaired memory and strained relationships.

Long-term issues can include high blood pressure, diabetes and heart problems.

Less sleep can also impact your mental health and lead to depression.

So, you want to get at least seven to nine hours of rest a night.

This will help with weight management and allow you to be more productive.

To get better rest, try to wake up at the same time each day, even on weekends.

Also, turn off the phone at night and do something relaxing, like reading.

Try Journaling

Sometimes we have a lot going on in our heads.

Journaling can help to release your thoughts productively.

You can either get a pen and paper or type on your computer.

Take the time to vent about stressful situations or frustrating people.

In addition, write down happy memories from the day.

This counters out the negative and gives you something to look back on when feeling sad.

Journaling is great to help fight depression and anxiety.

It can also improve your memory and make you more optimistic.

This technique can help you identify patterns and growth areas within your behavior.

Spread Joy Through Volunteering

Spring is the time to give back to those in your community.

Suppose you have a slower schedule around the holidays.

Consider joining a volunteer organization.

Make sure it’s a cause you believe in so you enjoy the experience even more.

It is also an excellent way to connect with people and even find a career interest or new hobby.

Doing something good for others can make you happier and improve your mental health.

Also, being around others and forming relationships decreases feelings of loneliness.

To find events, google local volunteer organizations in your community.

You can also search resource websites, like VolunteerMatch, which displays opportunities near you.

Spend Time Traveling

If you have some unpaid vacation time, consider taking a few days away from work to recharge.

It’s also a great way to bond with your family and discover a new place.

Plus, you have fantastic travel stories to tell at your Easter celebrations.

Find a place that fits your interests and climate preferences.

If you enjoy swimming and warmer weather, head somewhere tropical.

Taking a break from everyday responsibilities is essential for your mental health.

Here are a few more reasons to get out and explore:

  • It can make you happier.
  • It encourages you to disconnect and recharge.
  • It can reduce stress and anxiety.
  • It exposes you to new things.
  • It promotes physical activity.

How to Have the Healthiest Spring Ever

Staying healthy is essential in every season.

Yet, spring is the perfect time to recharge and get ready for summer fun.

So, follow these tips to learn How to Have the Healthiest Spring Ever!

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