5 Laundry Tips That Make Mom Life Easier

Laundry is a never-ending dauntless task that only seems to get accomplished if you try your hardest.

Doing laundry can suck up your free time as a mom if you aren’t careful. So, what’s the solution?

A set routine can help you stay on track with your clothes, but if you slack for one day and bog down again.

Here are some laundry tips that might make your life easier.

image of laundry washing machine in a nice laundry room - 5 Laundry Tips That Make Mom Life Easier

Photo by Dan Gold on Unsplash

Create a Routine

Whether you carve out an entire day or do a load of laundry once a day, you must create a laundry routine.

A laundry routine can ensure you stay on track and prevent laundry from piling up so much that you must visit a laundromat.

Staying on top of your routine can ensure that no one in your family runs out of clean clothes and you don’t have to waste an entire day at the laundromat.

Create a daily schedule that outlines what fabrics you’ll wash and when you’ll wash them.

For example, you can wash towels on Mondays and your daughter’s clothes on Tuesdays.

You can create a routine with the one-load-a-day method that begins with loading the washer every morning.

You can throw them in the dryer on your way out the door and fold and put them away that evening.

Or you can customize the routine to suit your schedule. Enlist family members to help by creating chore charts for littles.

Sort into Separate Loads

Clothes are expensive—especially when you have little ones that seem to grow out of them at lightning speed.

You must sort your clothes before throwing them in the wash. White clothing turns pink or tie-dyed from bleeding colors off other fabrics.

Removing the dye stains isn’t impossible, but it isn’t easy and takes more time out of your schedule.

Sort your clothes not only by color but by fabric as well.

You don’t want to wash sheets with towels just as much as you want to avoid washing jeans with T-shirts.

Mixing fabrics in the wash can affect their longevity by causing them to become worn earlier than they should.

Separate clothes by colors, whites, jeans, linens, and so on to achieve optimal results.

Change the Water Temperature

The water temperature setting on your washing machine isn’t just for kicks.

Selecting an appropriate water temperature for your load of laundry can change how they come out.

Cold water is best for delicate and prevents dark colors from bleeding onto other fabrics.

Hot water is ideal for bedding, towels and heavily stained items.

A warm temperature setting is best for synthetic fabrics.

You can use stain remover or solution like baking soda and water, or hydrogen peroxide and dish soap to eliminate clothing stains before washing them.

Peroxide can lighten clothing, so only use that method on white or lighter fabrics.

You should also check your dryer setting because normal settings typically mean high heat, which can shrink your clothing.

Always use the delicate setting to be safe with your favorite clothes.

Use Less Detergent

Laundry detergent is what cleans your clothes and makes them smell so great.

However, using too much detergent can cause more harm than good.

It can damage your washing machine by creating buildup and can stiffen your clothing.

Too much soap can cause an adverse reaction and cause your clothes to come out less clean.

Don’t overdo it with your laundry soap.

High efficiency washing machines offer lower water levels which require less detergent anyway.

Too much detergent in your washer can leave soap residue on clothing items and dull your clothes faster.

Too much laundry soap can also make your clothes feel scratchy and create a musty or foul smell in your clothes or machine.

If you have a standard top-load washing machine, you should use one-half of the recommended amount of detergent.

This can mean as little as two tablespoons of detergent in your washing machine.

Organize the Process

Organizations can streamline your laundry routine.

Keeping your laundry room tidy and everything in its place can save you time and hassle while you keep up with your family’s clothing.

There are many ways to organize your family’s laundry like getting a basket for each family member’s clothes and creating a system for mismatched socks.

Optimizing your storage space can create more room for you to get stuff done and store clothing.

If you have the means and room, installing a sink can work wonders for the process and is an amazing addition to your laundry room.

Décor elements like a pretty picture or vase that makes you smile can cheer you up in your laundry room, making entering a little less dreadful.

Peel-and-stick wallpaper can spruce up the aesthetic and give your laundry room an instant makeover.

Mom Tips for Laundry

Laundry is a chore you’ve likely been doing for years.

Doing your laundry can seem relatively straightforward until you throw in other peoples, like your spouse or children.

Utilize these tips to take control of your laundry situation and make more time for you to relax.

Moms are superheroes that deserve all the help they can get!

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