What to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney: 7 Key Qualities

Finding the right personal injury attorney for your case can feel overwhelming and emotionally draining. A quality personal injury lawyer will not only possess extensive knowledge of the law related to your claim but have subject matter expertise combined with excellent bedside manner towards you as their client.

In this blog post, we’ll cover 7 key qualities about what to look for in a personal injury attorney.

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While all lawyers have attended law school and passed the bar exam, personal injury law requires additional subject matter expertise that comes with experience working on cases similar to yours. Attorneys with experience often have more resources at their disposal which can be helpful if your case moves forward to trial. In addition, experienced attorneys are more likely to know how to navigate the legal landscape and anticipate potential issues with your case.

They may be able to suggest proactive strategies that can help you get the most favorable outcome possible. Ultimately, an experienced attorney will provide valuable insight into every stage of the process and give you peace of mind knowing that someone who understands all aspects of personal injury law is working on your behalf.


Doing research on personal injury attorneys in your area is a great way to start your search for the right lawyer. Check to see if they have a good reputation and track record. Additionally, consider reputable firms such as Blumenshine Law Group which specializes in personal injury claims and has a long history of success.

Having an attorney with a positive reputation gives you confidence that they will provide quality legal counsel and represent your best interests.


Excellent communication skills are essential for a personal injury attorney. They should be able to keep you in the loop regarding any progress made on your case, effectively explain the legal process, and provide insight into how the law applies to your situation. Look for someone who will take the time to answer all of your questions thoroughly and ensure that you understand what’s going on throughout the process.

Additionally, you want to make sure that your attorney is able to effectively communicate with insurance companies, other attorneys, and the court system on your behalf. Your lawyer should be prepared for mediation or courtroom hearings by having their facts organized and ready to present in an understandable manner.

image of businessman walking away from the camera carrying a leather satchel - What to Look for in a Personal Injury Attorney - Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/UgA3Xvi3SkA


Respect and Empathy

Respect for your feelings, opinions, and decisions is essential in order to become an effective legal team. Your lawyer should also be respectful of the court system, understanding that it can be complex and intimidating. It’s important to have someone on your side who is willing to work with you and take your case seriously. Having a lawyer who empathizes with your situation can also provide much-needed comfort throughout the entire process.


You want someone who will be available for questions and meetings throughout the process. Look for an individual who makes themselves available via phone or email during the entire case. Additionally, make sure they are flexible with scheduling so that you can meet in person if needed. This will ensure that your lawyer is always ready to help and provide the support you need throughout the duration of your case.

Negotiation Skills

An experienced lawyer will understand the strengths and weaknesses of your case, as well as what can and cannot be negotiated during settlement negotiations. They should also know how to work with the insurance company or other parties involved in order to reach an acceptable agreement.

Furthermore, they should have strong communication skills, allowing them to effectively articulate your interests and advocate for the best outcome possible. While it is important that an attorney focuses on obtaining a favorable settlement, they should also be prepared to go to court if necessary in order to ensure justice is served.

Rates & Fees

When searching for a personal injury attorney, consider the rates and fees associated with their services. Many attorneys will offer a free consultation to discuss your case in detail. It’s also a good idea to research any potential out-of-pocket fees you may be responsible for such as court filing costs or expert witness charges. It is important to have an understanding of the financial commitment you are making before hiring a personal injury attorney.

Having an experienced attorney who has a good reputation and understands your case can be invaluable when filing a claim. With the right lawyer on your side, you can feel confident that they will navigate the legal landscape effectively and work towards the most favorable outcome possible.


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