TOP 10 oncology clinics in Turkey in 2023

Cancer is a general name for processes in the body that can affect any of its organs or systems. Chronic illness and stress have been shown to have a direct impact on the likelihood of developing cancer. It is very important to monitor your health and pay attention to all symptoms and ailments.

In this article, we have selected 10 oncology clinics in Turkey where patients are effectively treated for cancer.

Doctor.Global is a modern portal that provides a wide range of medical services in Turkey. It is easy, fast, and convenient to find the doctor that is right for you! Rest assured that Turkish hospitals are the best in oncology treatment.

Doctor in professional uniform working at hospital - Cost of heart failure management in Turkey

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At the same time, you do not overpay for convenient service. You pay the same amount that you would pay if you went directly to the cashier of the clinic. You can be sure that you will receive medical services without increasing the final cost of your treatment. Payment is transferred only after treatment and if there are no claims to the clinic from your side.

So, Doctor.Global has more than 1700 clinics. Today we will talk about the best 10 oncology hospitals in Turkey.

Liv Hospital Vadistanbul

It is a premium medical complex. It specializes in oncology, orthopedics, plastic surgery, complete health check-ups, stem cell treatment, and neurosurgery. The hospital is located in Istanbul.

Doctors perform surgeries using modern technological developments: da Vinci Surgical System, Versa HD, MAKOplasty system. The hospital is an official partner of Istanbul soccer clubs.

Every year 50,000 foreign patients choose the medical center.

Memorial Şişli Hospital

The hospital was the first medical facility in Turkey to be accredited by JCI, an organization that evaluates the quality of medical services in clinics around the world. It is easily accessible from almost anywhere in the city. Next to the hospital building, there is a guest house for relatives of patients. The level of service is not inferior to 5-star hotels. For the treatment of oncological diseases, the hospital applies an interdisciplinary approach. Several hundreds of bone marrow transplants, the removal of tumors located in the brain and other vital organs are performed annually.

Medstar Topcular Hospital

Medstar provides services in the Mediterranean region through its 2 hospitals in Antalya. Both hospitals offer diagnostic and treatment services in all departments with their experienced academic staff, infrastructure with advanced medical technology, and modern architecture. These conditions have a favorable effect on the treatment of patients.

Memorial Ankara Hospital

It is one of the largest medical networks in Turkey. More than 1,600,000 patients are treated here every year. The tests are studied by the recommendations of the USA and Europe. The best doctors from all over the world choose the most suitable treatment for you. This is one of the best places if you need oncology surgery or interventional radiology.

Anadolu Medical Center Gebze

The clinic’s doctors specialize in the treatment of cancer. The American non-profit organization MTQUA has ranked Anadolu as the 2nd best clinic in the world for treatment abroad. This is why medical tourism in Turkey is so developed.

Acibadem Maslak Hospital

The clinic accepts both adult patients and children. The children’s department is arranged in bright and colorful colors. It is interesting for young visitors. Acibadem Maslak is fitted with first-class equipment for cancer treatment and is the best hospital for gamma knife surgery. In the practice of successful treatment, there are a huge number of patients with stage 4 cancer. Here you will be immediately told the cost of the examination and the options for surgery. Maslak is JCI certified.

Lokman Hekim Akay Hospital

Despite the large number of patients, everyone is treated under constant supervision and without delay. This is a large, modern hospital where you will find the best treatment options for cancer. Radiofrequency ablation is particularly popular here. On Doctor.Global you can also get a free consultation on this hospital.

Emsey Hospital

At Emsey, you are greeted by Turkey’s leading specialists. 98% of referred patients have recovered. The clinic offers laparoscopic removal of tumors; and complex treatment of oncological diseases using modern protocols, radiation therapy, and radiotherapy. It is comfortable, calm, and safe, and the staff is continuously working to improve the quality of service.

Hisar Hospital Intercontinental

The largest and most comprehensive JCI-accredited private hospital in Istanbul. The hospital has received many honors and awards, such as the title of the best in medical tourism in Turkey. Hisar has an award for the quality of medical care.

It provides high-quality medical care, including advanced medical technology and experienced medical professionals. This is a clear recognition of the hospital’s excellence in medical tourism services. Therefore, Hisar is included in the top 10 oncology hospitals in Turkey.

NPİSTANBUL Brain Hospital

An outstanding neurosurgeon Dr. Mustafa Bozbuga works at the clinic. He successfully operates on the most complex brain tumors. There is a modern technological infrastructure here. For example, neuronavigation is used during operations. This allows us to get a maximum view of the operating field and achieve the best result of the operation. In NPİSTANBUL, the latest treatment methods have been applied for the first time.

The treatment is done by measuring brain function and positive thinking medicine. The clinic is the only one in Istanbul that applies the pharmacogenetic approach, blending genetic modification and drug administration in diagnosis and treatment. If you are experiencing a problem related to brain cancer, you should come to this Turkish hospital.

In many people, cancer can be successfully treated. Modern medicine does not stand still. More and more people are living a full life after cancer treatment.


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