The # Most Important Warning Signs Your Parents Are Struggling at Home

If you are becoming more and more concerned about your parents living, maintaining, and successfully navigating their own home and garden and are considering encouraging them to consider moving to one form or another of senior living community, then you are most definitely not alone.

Just as your parents took care of you when you needed them, now is the time to dedicate a substantial amount of time, energy, and patience to ensuring they are both happy and capable of living independently.

With this in mind, continue reading to learn of the four most important warning signs your parents are struggling with at home.

Woman Comforting Senior Man - Most Important Warning Signs Your Parents Are Struggling at Home

Their Levels of Personal Hygiene are Slipping

One of the more obvious signs that your parents are finding tasks and daily activities, which before they did without thinking, significantly more difficult is if the overall standards of their personal hygiene are visibly slipping.

Talk to them about whether or not they are finding getting in and out of their shower or bath slightly harder these days, and remember to be tactful in everything you ask them, as if you go in ‘too hard’, you run the risk of embarrassing them and therefore shutting you out completely.

They Have Stopped Enjoying Meals & Snacks

The desire to eat is something that is, obviously, hard-wired within you. If your elderly parent is starting to skip meals and generally show no interest in either planning and preparing, or indeed actually consuming, food of any description, then this is a huge red flag.

Nutrition and the assurance your older parent is receiving the correct number of vitamins and minerals is absolutely fundamental to ensuring a healthy and long life, so if you do notice your parent is either refusing to eat or showing no interest in doing so, you need to take action.

They Seem to be Relying On You More & More

Obviously, you will always do everything you possibly can to help your parents, but if you have recently been finding that they are calling you at home late at night on more than one occasion, or else the interactions you have with them tend to be based around what you can do for them, this is an area for concern.

Should this be the case, or else you are concerned about any other factors within this article, look into assisted and independent living in Los Angeles and discover the myriad benefits senior living communities offer their residents.

They Are Reluctant to Leave the House

As you would expect, there could be any number of reasons why your parent or parents are becoming more and more reluctant to leave the safety and security of their own home, of which they are ultimately familiar with, to attend pre-booked activities and social meals with family.

Withdrawal from their social circle and making excuses as to why they are unable to attend a function are both key factors that could be highlighting a decline in mental health and emotional wellbeing.

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