The Complete EES and ETIAS Guide

EEs stands for Entry/Exit System, and it is a high-scale IT system that was introduced in 2006 by the EU.

This Entry/Exit system’s main aim is to improve general security in the Schengen borders and, in turn, enhances security for Schengen visitors and citizens.

This IT system facilitates automatic border monitoring, and it involves the installation of passport readers in place of passport stamping.

The below-listed countries are part of the Schengen area;

  • Greece
  • Finland
  • Lithuania
  • Switzerland
  • Spain
  • Vatican City

On the other hand, ETIAS is a recent system introduced by the EU that aims to enhance security measures. The main aim of this system is to screen travelers as they enter Schengen regions.

The ETIAS system gathers information on a traveler’s health, history, among others, before screening it to know whether the traveler is a security threat.

ETIAS is a requirement for all people who wish to access the Schengen area and is valid for three years.

Below we discuss everything you need to know about ees etias visa.

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EES Purpose

The Entry/Exit System screens and monitors exit and entry data from travelers arriving in Schengen regions.

This system also registers every traveler’s data after being denied access to Schengen areas.

The EES system oversees border control for countries dealing with many visitors, thus eliminating the urge to employ more immigration officers at the border.

This system aims to achieve the following;

  • Migration flow management
  • Combatting fraud and theft
  • Eliminating irregular migration
  • Facilitating internal security.

How EES Works

The EES system’s main aim is to reduce the time taken to cross a border after arriving in Schengen areas.

This system has devices that determine every visitor’s stay after reaching these areas.

This system also facilitates a reliable and systematic detection of individuals who exceed the agreed time.

Citizens who arrive at Schengen areas are required to do the following;

  • Walk through seconds gates immediately they open
  • Approach EES devices
  • Scan their passport’s first page
  • Face the camera immediately after the gate opens.


ETIAS stands for the European Travel Information and Authorization System and aims to give EU travel member nations a safer journey.

Citizens from over forty authorized countries will be required to fill out an online application and have a waiver approved by ETIAS.

The ETIAS waiver grants travelers short-term stays that do not exceed ninety days, and they can move freely within the Schengen countries.

Who Requires the ETIAS Waiver?

Over fifty nationalities are required to pay for this waiver, even though more might be added. However, people from non-eligible nations must apply for a visa to access these regions.

The following countries require an ETIAS waiver;

  • Spain
  • Ukraine
  • Slovenia
  • Mauritius
  • Poland

The ETIAS waiver has been developed to strengthen the region’s security, as it can detect security risks by screening travelers.

Approved ETIAS applications are sent electronically to approved applicants, who gain access to Schengen areas after presenting them.

Final Thoughts

The EES and ETIAS systems have made traveling much easier, and The Complete EES and ETIAS Guide has discussed all you need to know about them.

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