Information on Child Travel Consent

If your child needs to travel without you, whether for a school trip or to visit relatives, there are specific legal measures you must adhere to. These legal measures exist to ensure your child is traveling with your permission and will be safe.

child travel consent

Do you need to send your child traveling without you?

Keep reading to learn about the legal processes involved when sending your child on a trip. This guide will discuss everything you need to know about child travel consent forms and how to get a child medical consent form.

Child Travel Consent Forms

Here is everything you need to know about the child travel consent forms so your child can legally travel.

What is a child’s travel consent form, and when do you need one?

A child travel consent form allows your child to travel domestically and internationally. If you do not have a child travel consent form when traveling with your child, authorities may question whether this is your child.

Travel consent forms become more essential when your child travels alone or with another family member, as the document shows that you have given express permission for your child to travel without you.

Additionally, if your child travels with their educational institution, they will likely need a child travel consent form. 

How to obtain a child travel consent form

You don’t need to consult a lawyer directly regarding your child’s travel consent form. However, you will benefit from the validity of having the document notarized, as it will receive your lawyer’s seal, and you’ll have a witness with unquestionable authority.

The child travel consent form must contain the following statements and declarations:

  • Declaration of parenthood/guardianship – you declare that you are the child’s parent or guardian, specifying your relation to the child, with the authority to permit them to travel
  • The child’s name and destination – where you specify your child’s name and where you are permitting them to travel
  • The date and your signature
  • The signature and name of a witness

What will you need to provide?

You’ll need to know where your child is traveling to complete the form. You’ll need a witness for your signature. This witness should be unbiased and preferably not a family member. The witness will need to watch you sign the consent form and then sign themselves as a witness.

Child Medical Consent Forms

In addition to providing your child with consent to travel, you’ll also need medical consent forms that denote the child is in good health and able to travel, along with any relevant medical information.

What is a child medical consent form?

A child medical consent form protects your child’s health when traveling or being cared for by someone other than their parent or guardian. The document contains the following information:

  • Your child’s medical history-in this section, there will be any relevant information about your child’s medical history that could affect their healthcare needs. For instance, any medications the child is taking, allergies, and any pre-existing conditions or illnesses the child has.
  • Emergency contacts and doctor’s practice information-the child’s medical consent form should contain information for the child’s emergency contacts and their medical practitioner’s details.
  • Health insurance cover-if your child has health insurance, you’ll need to provide their policy number and insurance provider information.
  • Any treatments you consent to while the child is out of your care, you will need to specify which medicines and medical care you agree to your child receiving while under the carer’s supervision.

Unless the medical issue constitutes an emergency, a doctor will need parental permission to provide medical care for a child. Providing a child medical consent form for your child when you’re not with them ensures your child can receive medical care without your presence.

A medical consent form may be necessary for your child’s school or educational institution, allowing staff to provide medical care if needed.

How to Obtain a Child Medical Consent Form

You should enlist the services of a notary for your child’s medical consent form. Although you could theoretically write your child’s medical consent form without the services of a notary, having it notarized will ensure the document’s validity.

What information will you need to provide?

You will need to gather information about your child’s medical history and background, insurance details, doctor’s information, and the treatments you permit your child to receive.


To prepare your child for a trip, whether with one parent, a family member, a carer, or on their own, you’ll need to consider consent forms. Providing your child with a medical and travel consent form will protect their health and ensure authorities know they have your consent to travel. These forms are necessary, and you should consider accessing these forms for your child’s trip.


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