Important Things to Do in Your Home Before Moving Out

image of young asian mother and son packing tp move out of their home - Important Things to Do in Your Home Before Moving Out - Image source:


Moving homes can be a thrilling new adventure, a fresh start that provides the opportunity to create new memories. However, the process can also be arduous, involving numerous tasks that must be diligently completed before you can fully transition to your new abode. This isn’t just about boxing up your belongings—it’s also about ensuring that your current home is in good order for its next residents.

From conducting thorough cleaning to addressing necessary repairs, there are several key steps to undertake prior to moving out. This blog post will guide you through these essential tasks, ensuring you leave your old home in the best possible state.

Deep Cleaning

Before you begin the packing process, dedicate some time to deep cleaning your home. This includes scrubbing floors and walls, wiping down surfaces, and dusting every nook and cranny. It’s also important to clean appliances such as ovens, refrigerators, and dishwashers—these should be left in pristine condition for the next residents.

If you live in New York, hiring a professional cleaning service can be a wise investment to ensure your home is sparkling clean before you move out. You can find many affordable move out cleaning services in NYC or any other area, so you can focus on other tasks while leaving the cleaning to the experts. Just make sure to schedule the cleaning service in advance so that they can accommodate your moving timeline.

Addressing Repairs

Moving out is the perfect time to address any necessary repairs in your home. This includes fixing leaky faucets, clogged drains, and any other small issues that may have been overlooked during your time living there.

Not only will this help you avoid potential charges from the landlord, but it’s also a considerate gesture towards the next tenants. Be sure to schedule any repairs well in advance so that they can be completed before you move out. In some cases, it may be necessary to hire professionals for more complex repairs, so make sure to budget accordingly.

Returning Keys and Canceling Services

Don’t forget about returning keys and canceling services before you move out. This includes notifying your utility providers and internet/cable companies of your move-out date, scheduling final meter readings, and settling any outstanding bills.

If you are renting, be sure to return all keys to your landlord and obtain a written confirmation of the return. It’s also a good idea to inform your post office of your change of address so that any mail can be forwarded to your new home.

Taking Photos

Before moving out, it’s important to take photos of your home. This serves as evidence should there be any disputes regarding the condition of the property. Be sure to take photos of every room, including any damages or repairs that were previously present before you moved in.

These photos can protect you from potential false claims or charges. Remember to also take photos of any repairs or cleaning you have completed before moving out including the date and time they were taken as well as the bills or receipts associated with them.

Donating Unwanted Items

Moving homes presents the perfect opportunity to declutter and get rid of unwanted items. Instead of throwing away everything, consider donating gently used items to charity. This not only benefits those in need but also helps reduce waste and minimize your moving load.

Research local charities and organizations that accept donations and schedule a pickup or drop-off before moving out. Not only will this feel good, but it also lightens the load for your move.


image of young couple packing up the contents of their kitchen to move out of their home - Important Things to Do in Your Home Before Moving Out - Image source:

Moving out can be an overwhelming process, but taking care of these important tasks before you go can make things easier for both you and the next occupants. Deep cleaning, addressing repairs, returning keys and canceling services, taking photos, and donating unwanted items are all essential steps to ensure a smooth and stress-free move.

By following these tips, you can leave your old home in the best possible state and embark on your new adventure with a clean slate. Good luck on your new journey!



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