How To Make Your Home “Attractive” For Vlogging

Vlogging has become one of the most popular ways to put out social media content.

Even though people think of vlogging as long videos on YouTube or other online platforms, even quick videos on TikTok or Instagram can be viewed as vlogging. 

Only some people who vlog are trying to make money. Some do it just for fun or to create memories.

If this is you, why should you care how the background looks?

The answer is simple.

You still want to look good and grow your brand.

Who doesn’t want more followers or engagement? 

Below are five tips to help your vlog look great. 

woman sitting in a red gaming chair wearing headphones vlogging - How To Make Your Home “Attractive” For Vlogging

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Declutter and Organize

Before you start filming, it’s important to declutter and organize your space.

Remove any unnecessary items that may distract viewers from the main focus of your vlogs.

Keep surfaces clean and tidy, ensuring that your background remains visually pleasing. 

Remember, a clutter-free environment allows your personality and content to shine through.

Choose the Right Background 

Selecting an appropriate background is key to creating an engaging visual experience for your viewers.

Determine the style and theme of your vlogs, and choose a background that complements your content. 

A well-decorated wall, bookshelf, or even a simple backdrop can add depth and personality to your videos.

Experiment with locations within your home to find the perfect backdrop that aligns with your vlogging style and resonates with your audience.

Depending on your content, too much can be a distraction.

If you want people to look at you, limit the amount of stuff in the background.

On the other hand, if your style is more of a podcast with a camera, you can have as much as you want.

Optimize Lighting 

Lighting plays a huge role in video production, and proper lighting  can significantly enhance your vlogs’ overall look and feel.

Natural light is ideal, so position yourself near a window or in a well-lit area of your home. 

Backlighting can be tempting, but avoid it at all costs.

It will create a silhouette feel and drown out your face or whatever you are showing off in the video.

Instead, look into a ring light or other kind of front-facing light. 

Add Personal Touches

Your audience wants to connect with you as a creator.

Injecting your personality into your vlogs is vital for connecting with your audience on a deeper level.

Consider incorporating personal touches and décor that reflect your unique style and interests. 

Showcase your favorite books, artwork, or collectibles as part of your backdrop.

Doing so makes your vlogs visually appealing and gives viewers a glimpse into your personal life.

If you are making videos about Star Wars, have plenty of memorabilia and decorations that showcase that.

These personal touches create a sense of authenticity and help establish a stronger connection between you and your audience. 

Set Up a Dedicated Filming Area

Creating a dedicated filming area can significantly streamline your vlogging process.

A designated area helps keep your vlogs consistent and allows for quick and efficient design whenever inspiration strikes. 

Find a space in your home where you can consistently film without interruptions or having to rearrange things.

This could be a spare room, living room corner, or office.

Set up a tripod or a stable surface to hold your camera, ensuring steady shots throughout your vlogs. 

You may be surprised at how many takes or reshoots you must do to get it right.

Because of this, consider investing in a comfortable chair or standing desk setup to improve your filming experience.

Ensuring you are comfortable will go a long way in long-term success.

Utilize Unique Situations

If there is something unique about your home or property, utilize it.

For example, if you’ve got an awesome-looking outdoor kitchen and you’re going to create a video involving cooking, use it! 

The last thing you want is to make your video look like every other online video.

Something like an outdoor kitchen can make a normal cooking video look like something straight off of HGTV or Food Network. 


A home can be a powerful asset when it comes to vlogging and we hope you learned from this article How To Make Your Home “Attractive” For Vlogging.

By making the best of this opportunity, you can be confident that people will be drawn to your videos, setting you up for long-term success. 


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