How to Boost Sexual Desire When You Have Sexual Desire Disorder (SDD)

If you suffer from sexual desire disorder (SDD), then you’re not alone. This common condition can dramatically affect both men’s and women’s quality of life and relationships with others.

Luckily, there are things you can do to improve your sexual desire and learn more about this condition on your own.

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Be Honest With Yourself and Your Partner

If you’re struggling with sexual desire, it can be hard to know where to start. You might feel embarrassed or ashamed to discuss your concerns with someone else. You might worry that admitting a problem will make you seem weak or unattractive.

But the truth is if you don’t tell anyone about it—or if you try to hide your feelings of low sexual desire—it’s going to become even more complicated for you to get back into the swing of things!

It’s also important not to leave your partner in the dark about how they can help. Many couples need help with their SDD, so it can be challenging to understand what they can do differently than before they started dating each other.

It’s normal for partners to want to know more about each other’s sexual needs and desires—but that doesn’t mean they need to know everything all at once. What matters most is what works best for you individually and how much work it takes on both sides of the relationship before things improve again (and hopefully stay better than before).

Talk to Your Doctor About Sexual Health Medications

If you have SDD, you’ll find it hard to get excited about sex. It can make relationships harder to maintain. The good news is you can do plenty of things to help you increase sexual desire. You may start by talking to your doctor about whether medication can help you boost your sex life.

If so, they may prescribe a medication like flibanserin, which makes erections last longer and allows a person with SDD or HSDD to reach sexual climax more quickly. You might also consider using supplements like ginseng or horny goat weed to boost energy levels and improve blood flow to the penis.

If none of these options work for you, talk with a therapist about other ways to manage SDD symptoms without relying on pharmaceuticals or supplements—for example, by changing your diet or getting more exercise (if possible).

Changing Your Diet

If you have SDD, your diet can significantly influence your sex drive. While it’s not always possible to add more protein to your diet, there are some things you can do to boost your sexual desire.

  • Start with the basics: Cut back on sugar. Sugar is one of the worst things you can put in your body—one that can lead to obesity, diabetes, and heart disease. It also makes you more likely to crave more sugar.
  • Next, make sure you’re getting enough sleep. When your hormones work overtime during the day, it’s harder for them to do their job at night: helping keep blood sugar under control after meals and helping create strong vaginal walls and lubrication for arousal. So ensure you’re getting enough rest so those hormones can kick in when nighttime comes around.
  • Finally, find an activity that will help you unwind and relax before bedtime—reading or listening to music helps ease anxiety or stress while also helping relax your mind and body.

Always Practice Self-Love

One of the best ways to boost your sexual desire is to practice self-love. When you love yourself, it shows in everything you do. When you’re ready for sex, you’ll be more open to doing it. You’ll be able to relax and enjoy the moment without worrying about what other people think or feel.

Another way to practice self-love is by surrounding yourself with positive people who make you feel good about yourself. Friends or family members could encourage you and tell you how beautiful or sexy they find you. If they don’t say these things, know that they see how great of a person you are inside and out.

When someone loves themselves, they can feel confident enough to share their true selves—no matter what other people think about them! They’re not afraid to show who they are because, deep inside, they know and love themselves unconditionally for all their flaws, imperfections, strengths, and talents.

Final Thoughts

For the millions of men and women who don’t often feel sexual desire, the idea of becoming turned on may seem like an impossible dream. But it’s not. Just as there are steps to discontinue problematic behaviors, you can also take steps to stimulate your sexual desire.

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