Dealing With Last Minute Wedding Day Plan Cancellations

Planning and pulling off a wedding is one of many people’s biggest, most challenging things. It’s a major event. Whether you have a wedding planner or not, it’s a big job with a lot of moving parts that can go wrong. Last-minute cancellations are among the most dreaded of circumstances for a couple.

You’ve planned for months, maybe even years, only to face a crisis at the finish line. While this can be incredibly stressful, it doesn’t have to ruin your day. You can face cancellations and changes of plan and still have the wedding of your dreams.

beach wedding scene - Dealing with Last Minute Wedding Day Plan Cancellations

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Change of Venue

This is one of the toughest types of cancellations to deal with for a wedding. The venue is one of the biggest elements of an event. You likely chose it first and then planned everything around it, from decorations and food to wedding style and transportation. But emergencies happen, and sometimes incidents make it impossible to hold your wedding where you intended.

Plan for this possibility well in advance when you select and reserve the wedding location. You should have a contract with the venue. Read it carefully to ensure it includes a contingency plan or a refund. If this isn’t possible, consider getting insurance to cover you in the event you lose the event site and the payments you made.

When the worst happens, and you need to change the venue at the last minute, breathe deeply and then act fast. Hopefully, you made a plan for such an emergency and have an alternative site in mind, or your original venue has a plan. If not, recruit friends and family to make a flurry of calls to find a last-minute location.

Once you have a new site, inform your vendors as soon as possible. They will need to adjust as well, so give them as much notice as you can. Don’t forget your guests. Make calls and send out emails and texts to make sure you reach everyone and provide all the new details.

Wardrobe Issues

A wardrobe emergency can feel like a disaster, but it’s much easier to deal with than a lost venue. An issue with the wedding gown can be very emotional but be flexible and take any changes in stride. Getting married is the most important part of the day.

You’ll need to replace your dress if it is unusable or lost. Many local shops and online retailers have sample seasonal, and winter wedding dresses ready to go that you can pick up or get delivered at the last minute. Other common issues might be a rip or a stain.

Be prepared in advance to deal with these more minor problems. For instance, have a stain stick and sewing kit on hand the day of the wedding so you can make repairs as needed.


Because weddings are planned so far in advance, it is impossible to know with certainty what the weather will be like. You can plan to some degree, for instance, avoiding an outdoor wedding in fall or spring when the weather is unpredictable. Holding your wedding indoors is another way to get around the unknown weather factor.

When choosing venues and vendors, talk to them about how they deal with bad weather. Vendors should have plans in place for bad weather.

Start checking the weather a couple of weeks before the event. Be ready for any bad conditions. For instance, if rain is in the forecast, have umbrellas on hand for guests to use. If your wedding is in winter and a storm is possible, have safe transportation lined up for everyone.


Last-minute guest cancellations are inevitable. Things come up, and some people just can’t be there. Unless it is a crucial guest, like a parent, you don’t have to do anything differently. Carry on with your plans. Let your venue and caterer know of any cancellations so they can put out place settings and prepare food accordingly.

If someone you consider essential to your wedding cannot make it, you have a more difficult decision to make. You’ll have to decide if you have time to change the date or if you can carry on without them. Talk to your partner about this and the guest in question.

Keep Calm, and Carry On

With an event as big as a wedding, unforeseen changes and crises are bound to occur that cause last minute wedding day plan cancellations.

Keep your cool and accept what you can’t control or change. Try to maintain perspective about the event while also doing what you can to make it the best day ever.

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