5 Ways Scooter Luggage Will Make Traveling with Kids Easier

Traveling can be stressful on its own, but traveling with young kids will add chaos, which is why parents need to learn these 5 Ways Scooter Luggage Will Make Traveling with Kids Easier.

Little ones love exploring, running around, and testing the physical world’s limits.

Kids don’t want to stop exploring to drag around a piece of luggage.

It doesn’t matter if their luggage is shaped like their favorite cartoon character – they don’t want to do the work.

Thankfully, there’s a product that solves this problem: scooter luggage.

Scooter luggage makes it fun and easy for kids to move their luggage around.

It’s a suitcase attached to the front of a 3-wheeled razor-style scooter.

The three wheels provide robust stabilization that helps kids maintain their balance.

If you have plans to travel with younger kids, here’s why scooter luggage will make your travel easier.

5 Ways Scooter Luggage Will Make Traveling with Kids Easier

Children should wear a bicycle helmet when sitting or ridding a scooter

You won’t have to carry your kids’ luggage

It’s hard enough carrying your luggage.

You don’t want to carry your kids’ luggage, too.

Unfortunately, that’s probably your reality.

How often have you gotten frustrated with your kid and grabbed their luggage to get to your destination faster?

The best way to get your kids to carry their luggage is to make it fun.

Riding a luggage scooter is irresistible to most kids.

First, they’ll get to ride a scooter through the airport.

Kids love doing things that seem to break the rules.

Second, scooters are fun, period.

Another benefit is that scooter luggage is fun and safe; on the other hand, parents can always enroll in first aid training in Toronto in case an emergency happens during the trip

Your kid might be more willing to pack their suitcase

Teaching your kids to pack their suitcases is important.

Kids need to learn how to organize their belongings to save space, be selective, and prioritize what they take on a trip.

When kids don’t learn these skills early, they might be unable to leave the house without packing extra suitcases because they need four pairs of shoes.

Scooter luggage is affordable

Buying scooter luggage is affordable.

The cost is about the same as you’d expect for a standard luggage piece.

Yes, it’s smaller but attached to a scooter, so the prices are fair.

There’s no point in buying expensive luggage for your kids.

Even buying used thrift store luggage isn’t that great.

If you go with either of these, your kids won’t be interested in their luggage. 

It sounds petty, but kids need to feel connected to something in situations they find boring.

Getting them fun luggage will help them connect with the situation.

They’ll be more cooperative and less combative.

This fun tool isn’t just for kids. You can also get some scooter luggage for yourself.

You can check out this Insider review to see the adult-sized scooters in action.

You won’t have to carry your child

If your kids can walk, there should be no reason to carry them through an airport or bus station on a vacation.

If your kids know you’ll carry them when they throw a fit, they’ll hold out until you pick them up.

Even the stress of going through airport security can’t compare to convincing a small child to keep walking when they don’t want to take another step.

As some parents do, you could drag them along, but that isn’t very comfortable.

If you’re tired of carrying or dragging your child through airports and bus terminals, and all negotiations fail, try getting them some scooter luggage.

You’ll need to pack heavier items in your own suitcase, but at least they can carry their own clothing and toiletries—and themselves—to your destination.

Scooter luggage will keep your kids active

A side benefit of this awesome invention is that your kids will stay active.

They won’t get an Olympic workout, but they will keep moving.

Kids need to get their energy out throughout the day.

The more they move, the better they’ll sleep at night.

Traveling is stressful, even for kids.

Giving them something that keeps them moving will engage their brain and body.

They’ll stay engaged and alert.

Best of all, they’ll have a fun toy they can use throughout your family vacation.

This is especially important on long trips.

Traveling is easier when your kids are having fun

When your kids are having fun, you can relax and enjoy more of your vacation.

When your kids have scooter luggage, they’ll enjoy the parts of traveling most people dread, like moving through the airport.

Using scooter luggage is a win-win situation for all.

Having said all this, TotsFamily has yet to test this product. Children should wear bicycle helmets when using this scooter luggage or any scooter. 

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