9 Tips to Help Your Autistic Kid Sleep Better

Kids with Autism Spectrum Disorder often struggle to sleep well, this leads to insufficient sleep for the parents too, affecting the health of the kid and the parent so check out these 9 Tips to Help Your Autistic Kid Sleep Better.

Research has proved that about 80% of autistic kids face sleeping issues like the inability to comprehend social cues, abnormalities in their melatonin levels, and sensory processing issues.

This can lead to several problems like lack of concentration and aggressive behavior, impacting the way your child interacts with peers at school, in the park, or at home.

Here are 9 tips to help your autistic child sleep better.

image of young girl lying on her back reading a book - 9 Tips to Help Your Autistic Kid Sleep Better

Follow a Routine

Having a regular time for sleep will signal to their bodies that it is time to wind down and prepare for sleep.

A typical bedtime routine could involve:

  • Taking a bath.
  • Putting on pajamas.
  • Brushing teeth.
  • Reading a book.
  • Saying goodnight to everyone in the house.

You can also consider investing in enclosed beds to help them sleep better.

Keep a Cool, Quiet, and Dark Room

Autistic children are often sensitive to light and noise.

Keeping the room cool, dark, and quiet will help them feel more relaxed and fall asleep faster.

Consider using blackout curtains or an eye mask to block any unwanted light.

You may also want to use a sound machine to create white noise that can help drown out any other noise that may be keeping them up.

Eliminate Distractions from Electronics

Televisions, computers, tablets, and phones emit blue light that can interfere with melatonin production, the hormone that makes us feel sleepy.

It’s important to remove all electronics from the bedroom and keep the room as dark and quiet as possible to help your kid suffering from ASD sleep better.


image of shy young girl with autism - 9 Tips to Help Your Autistic Kid Sleep Better

Keep a Sleep Diary

Tracking your child’s sleep patterns can help you identify any potential issues that may be causing difficulty sleeping.

Keep track of when they go to bed, how long it takes them to fall asleep, how many times they wake up during the night, and how they feel when they wake up.

This information can help work with a doctor or sleep specialist to find the best solutions.

Avoid Caffeine and Sugar Before Bed

Autistic children are often sensitive to caffeine, so it’s best to avoid them in the evening.

Instead, you can feed them a bedtime snack that contains tryptophan, an amino acid that helps the body produce melatonin.

Good sources of tryptophan include cheese, milk, chicken, eggs, and nuts.

Get Plenty of Exercises During the Day

Exercise is a great way to help children sleep better at night. It helps to tire them out to fall asleep more easily and stay asleep for longer periods.

Just avoid advanced exercises because they can strain your kid’s muscles.

Try Relaxation Techniques

Various relaxation techniques include deep breathing, progressive muscle relaxation, and guided imagery.

You can also try using essential oils such as lavender or chamomile to help your child relax.

Join a Support Group

Connecting with a support group for parents of children with autism can be a great way to meet other parents who are going through similar challenges.

These groups can offer emotional support and practical advice.

Seek Help From a Sleep Specialist

If you’ve tried these tips and your child is still struggling to sleep, it may be time to talk to an expert.

They can work with you to create a personalized diet plan that promotes sleep.

They can also offer additional support and resources.

Final Word

Many challenges come with parenting an autistic child, and helping your little champ sleep better could greatly improve your autistic kid’s lifestyle.

By following these 9 Tips to Help Your Autistic Kid Sleep Better, you can help your child get the sleep they need to feel their best.

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