7 Tips for Improving Your Doggie’s Dental Health

Maintaining your dog’s dental hygiene is a must-have to keep their gums healthy and avoid smelly mouth.

A nutritious diet and regular dental treatment for your dog can reduce the risk of developing oral disorders.

Tooth loss and other gruesome illnesses in your dog’s body are possible consequences of untreated dental disease.

Here are 7 tips to keep your pup’s mouth and teeth in optimum condition and get rid of bad breath.

7 Tips for Improving Your Doggie's Dental Health

Brushing Your Dog’s Teeth

Good oral health starts with cleaning the teeth. Even though it may seem foolish, brushing your dog’s teeth is a viable approach to stop plaque from accumulating.

Although it’s best to do so more frequently, you don’t have to visit a vet every day for getting your pooch’s teeth clean.

Instead, you can brush their teeth daily at home to maintain their oral hygiene.

Use a dog toothbrush or a fingertip toothbrush to brush your dog’s teeth.

You also want to use toothpaste that’s made specifically for dogs.

The ingredient in human toothpaste can be hazardous to dogs, so avoid using it.

Consult your veterinarian for more suggestions.

Look for Signs of Oral Health Conditions

Bad breath in dogs is a typical indicator of dental illness.

Your dog’s breath likely won’t smell particularly good, but if the breath is too strong, it’s a possible sign of tooth decay or periodontitis.

You can keep track of what’s happening in your dog’s mouth by periodically checking on their gums and teeth.

Their gums should be pink. In addition, their teeth have to be spotless and free of stains from brown tartar.

A Visit to a Vet is a Must

Brushing your dog’s teeth at home is a great idea to maintain their oral health.

However, despite your valiant efforts, you probably won’t be able to thoroughly clean your dog with a toothbrush the way a veterinarian can.

So even if your pet’s teeth are in good condition, it’s a great idea to let your veterinarian do regular cleanings where they remove plaque and tartar, cleanse the gums, and polish the teeth.

Your veterinarian will advise a dental treatment when your dog’s mouth has enough buildup and gingivitis (dental prophylaxis).

The vet will use a scaler to deep clean your dog’s teeth and look for signs of recession in the gums.

To effectively remove all the tartar from your dog’s teeth and the layer of plaque under the gum line, a vet must put your dog under general anesthesia.

Don’t let this requirement worry you. Anesthesia is widely used and relatively safe nowadays.

If the vet determines it is appropriate, your dog may also undergo X-rays or perhaps have teeth extracted.

Although costs vary, you should budget a few hundred dollars for a cleanup.

The prices skyrocket if your dog requires more significant dental care, such as extractions (yet another reason why practicing oral hygiene at home is essential).

If you’re a first-time dog owner, make sure to choose a reliable vet with professional knowledge and expertise in veterinary dentistry.

Use a Dog Oral Rinse

An oral pet rinse functions similarly to human mouthwash, excluding fluoride, sweeteners, and alcohol in human formulations.

The majority of canine oral rinses are intended for everyday usage.

They can help keep plaque accumulation at bay when cleaning your pet’s teeth.

Make sure you thoroughly read the product you purchase and adhere to the directions.

Use Chew Bones and Toys for Teeth Cleaning

Dental chew toys offer an entertaining way to maintain your pup’s dental hygiene.

These toys and bones can strengthen the dog’s gums and teeth while helping remove tartar and bad smell.

Make sure to give your dog only safe items to chew on.

Give Your Dog Dental Treats

Dogs enjoy treats, and dog dental treats are an excellent way to enhance your pup’s oral hygiene.

Such treats are designed mainly to eliminate plaque and frequently have ingredients that clean your dog’s mouth and refresh their breath.

Dental treats are often far more beloved by dogs than a toothbrush or dental wipes.

They come in a range of colors, textures, and tastes, so you can pick the treat your dog adores the most.

Nutrition is Essential

For your dog to have strong, healthy teeth, you must provide them with the proper diet.

Your pooch’s food must have enough micronutrients (vitamins and minerals) along with macronutrients (carbohydrates, proteins, and fats).

Additionally, treat them with meals high in calcium as they help maintain healthy bones and teeth.

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